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if 160 kJ/mol

120 g = 3 mol potassium

reaction enthalpy: 3 x 160 = -480 kJ energy release.

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1mo ago

The molar mass of potassium is 39.1 g/mol. Therefore, 120 g of potassium would be 120/39.1 = 3.07 moles. Given that 160 kJ of heat is released per mole of potassium, the total heat released when 3.07 moles of potassium react is 3.07 * 160 kJ = 491.2 kJ.

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Q: Potassium reacts with water to produce hydrogen gas and potassium hydroxide and releases 160 kJ of heat energy How much heat would be released if 120 g of potassium reacts?
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Potassium metal in water?

Potassium metal reacts violently with water to release hydrogen gas and form potassium hydroxide. This reaction is highly exothermic and can result in a fire. The combination of heat released and ignition of hydrogen gas can lead to an explosion.

What is potassium hydroxide used for in an experiment to demonstrate that carbon dioxide is produced by green plants during respiration?

Potassium hydroxide is used to absorb carbon dioxide produced by the green plant during respiration. By placing the potassium hydroxide in the experimental setup, any carbon dioxide released will be absorbed, preventing it from affecting the results of the experiment. This allows for the accurate measurement of how much carbon dioxide is produced by the plant during respiration.

Does potassium explode in water?

Potassium reacts vigorously with water, producing hydrogen gas and heat. This reaction is so exothermic that the hydrogen gas often ignites, causing a small explosion. The explosion is not massive, but it is enough to make handling potassium in water dangerous without proper precautions.

Hydrochloric acid reacts with potassium hydroxide to produce a salt water and heat chemical or physical?

The reaction between hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide is a chemical reaction that forms water and potassium chloride salt. It is an exothermic reaction, meaning that heat is released as a result of the reaction.

Chemical test can distinguish sodium carbonate form potassium hydroxide?

A simple chemical test to distinguish sodium carbonate from potassium hydroxide is to perform a flame test. Sodium carbonate will produce a bright yellow flame, while potassium hydroxide will not change the color of the flame. Alternatively, you can also perform a pH test using indicator paper - sodium carbonate will be alkaline, while potassium hydroxide will be highly alkaline.

Related questions

Potassium metal in water?

Potassium metal reacts violently with water to release hydrogen gas and form potassium hydroxide. This reaction is highly exothermic and can result in a fire. The combination of heat released and ignition of hydrogen gas can lead to an explosion.

What is potassium hydroxide used for in an experiment to demonstrate that carbon dioxide is produced by green plants during respiration?

Potassium hydroxide is used to absorb carbon dioxide produced by the green plant during respiration. By placing the potassium hydroxide in the experimental setup, any carbon dioxide released will be absorbed, preventing it from affecting the results of the experiment. This allows for the accurate measurement of how much carbon dioxide is produced by the plant during respiration.

Does potassium explode in water?

Potassium reacts vigorously with water, producing hydrogen gas and heat. This reaction is so exothermic that the hydrogen gas often ignites, causing a small explosion. The explosion is not massive, but it is enough to make handling potassium in water dangerous without proper precautions.

What happens when it is put in water potassium?

Potassium metal will react violently with water to form KOH and hydrogen gas. Due to the heat released by the reaction - the hydrogen gas will ignite. So: placing potassium in water will cause a fire!

Hydrochloric acid reacts with potassium hydroxide to produce a salt water and heat chemical or physical?

The reaction between hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide is a chemical reaction that forms water and potassium chloride salt. It is an exothermic reaction, meaning that heat is released as a result of the reaction.

Chemical test can distinguish sodium carbonate form potassium hydroxide?

A simple chemical test to distinguish sodium carbonate from potassium hydroxide is to perform a flame test. Sodium carbonate will produce a bright yellow flame, while potassium hydroxide will not change the color of the flame. Alternatively, you can also perform a pH test using indicator paper - sodium carbonate will be alkaline, while potassium hydroxide will be highly alkaline.

What does potassium do in water?

Potassium ions in water help conduct electricity and support various biological processes in living organisms. Additionally, potassium can help regulate fluid balance and nerve impulse transmission within the body.

What causes ignition when water reacts with potassium?

The reaction of potassium with water is highly exothermic. That is, it gives off a lot of heat. Hydrogen, which is formed by the chemical reaction is ignited by this heat and so explodes.

What is the reaction for potassium chloride and water?

When potassium chloride is added to water, it dissociates into potassium ions (K+) and chloride ions (Cl-). This process is a physical change where the compound breaks apart into its constituent ions, but no chemical reaction occurs.

Why should sodium and potassium be removed as a matter of urgency from a floode laboratory?

Metallic sodium or potassium reacts violently with water and may cause an explosion, if the hydrogen that is released by the reaction has the right proportion to the oxygen in the air.

Is potash flammable?

Potash itself is not flammable. However, certain types of potash compounds may be flammable under certain conditions. It's always important to refer to the specific safety data sheet of the potash compound in question to understand its flammability properties.

What flame does potassium give?

Potassium typically gives a lilac or light purple flame when burned. This color is due to the energy released when potassium atoms are excited and return to their ground state, emitting light in the visible spectrum.