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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Phenol red turns yellow in the presence of carbon dioxide due to the formation of carbonic acid. This acidic environment causes the phenol red indicator to shift from its original red color to a yellow hue.

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Q: Phenol red turns what color when carbon dioxide is added?
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What happens if you add phenol red to water and blow in it with a straw?

If you add phenol red to water and blow in it with a straw, the water will turn slightly acidic due to the carbon dioxide in your breath forming carbonic acid. This will cause the phenol red to change color, typically from red to yellow.

Which chemicals detect carbon dioxide?

Chemical indicators that detect carbon dioxide include bromothymol blue, phenol red, and pH-sensitive dyes like universal indicator. These indicators change color in the presence of carbon dioxide due to a change in pH levels.

What will happen to the color of sodium bicarbonate if phenol red is add?

If phenol red is added to sodium bicarbonate, the color of the solution will change based on the pH. In an acidic solution, phenol red will appear yellow, in a neutral solution it will be red, and in an alkaline solution (such as when sodium bicarbonate is added), it will turn a pink or magenta color.

How will Calcium chloride react with phenol red and baking soda?

When Calcium chloride reacts with phenol red and baking soda, it will generate carbon dioxide gas. This reaction causes the phenol red to change color – it will turn from red to yellow as the pH decreases due to the formation of carbonic acid.

Does phenol red change baking soda to red?

Phenol red is a pH indicator that changes color in response to pH changes. It turns yellow in acidic conditions and red in basic conditions. When added to a solution containing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), which is a basic substance, phenol red can turn red.

Related questions

What color does phenol red change to when carbon dioxide is present?

It turns a yellow-ish color when CO2 is added.

What happens if you add phenol red to water and blow in it with a straw?

If you add phenol red to water and blow in it with a straw, the water will turn slightly acidic due to the carbon dioxide in your breath forming carbonic acid. This will cause the phenol red to change color, typically from red to yellow.

Which chemicals detect carbon dioxide?

Chemical indicators that detect carbon dioxide include bromothymol blue, phenol red, and pH-sensitive dyes like universal indicator. These indicators change color in the presence of carbon dioxide due to a change in pH levels.

What will be except to happen to the color of the indicator as carbon dioxide is added?

the colour of the indicator will increase

What color is carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is colorless.

What will happen to the color of sodium bicarbonate if phenol red is add?

If phenol red is added to sodium bicarbonate, the color of the solution will change based on the pH. In an acidic solution, phenol red will appear yellow, in a neutral solution it will be red, and in an alkaline solution (such as when sodium bicarbonate is added), it will turn a pink or magenta color.

What is the color of the carbon dioxide molecule?

Carbon dioxide gas is colorless

How will Calcium chloride react with phenol red and baking soda?

When Calcium chloride reacts with phenol red and baking soda, it will generate carbon dioxide gas. This reaction causes the phenol red to change color – it will turn from red to yellow as the pH decreases due to the formation of carbonic acid.

What happens to an elodea leaf when added a phenol red solution?

When an Elodea leaf is added to a phenol red solution, the leaf will release oxygen through photosynthesis. The oxygen will cause the phenol red solution to change color, indicating the presence of oxygen production.

How can you determine gasses present in solution using the expermints with BTB?

Bromothymol blue (BTB) can change color in the presence of carbon dioxide or acidic solutions, turning from blue to yellow. By observing the color change in a solution with BTB added, you can determine the presence of carbon dioxide or acidity levels, which can help identify certain gases like carbon dioxide in the solution.

Does phenol red change baking soda to red?

Phenol red is a pH indicator that changes color in response to pH changes. It turns yellow in acidic conditions and red in basic conditions. When added to a solution containing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), which is a basic substance, phenol red can turn red.

What is the chemical equation when you mix baking soda calcium chloride and phenol red.?

When baking soda (NaHCO3) reacts with calcium chloride (CaCl2), it forms calcium carbonate (CaCO3), water (H2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Phenol red is a pH indicator that changes color based on the pH of the solution, and it does not participate in the chemical reaction.