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Ph level of soap can differ from the brand of soap..

the most balanced Ph level of soap is 7 and dove is one of the

soaps that is proven to have Ph level of 7

Ph level of soap can differ from the brand of soap..

the most balanced Ph level of soap is 7 and dove is one of the

soaps that is proven to have Ph level of 7

While it's true that Dove reaches a ph level of 7, and they market that idea as being somehow "better" that real soap (which typically has a PH balance between 9 and 10) the truth is that the PH level of a bar of soap is not nearly as important as what the bar actually contains. This is because whatever is on the bar will transfer to your skin, and ultimately be absorbed by your body. All natural soap contains no chemical additives like a Dove beauty bar does, and therefore you won't absorb any harmful agents into your body. Dove reaches a neutral PH by "re-batching" their soap. They leach all of the natural glycerin out of their bars with their continues processing method of making the soap. Then they sell the glycerin (a natural humectant produced when making real soap - it naturally moisturizes your skin) to other manufactures who then sell you moisturizing lotion because your skin dries out from the Dove bar. The film left behind on your skin clogs your pores, causing your skin to secret oil that ultimately dries out your skin.

It's silly, because real soap won't dry out your skin in the first place. They spend millions of dollars a year to convince us that Dove "won't dry out your skin like soap does", but the truth is that it's the Dove bar that will dry out your skin. Take a look at a Dove label sometime to get an idea of what your body will absorb after its use. It's nasty.

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9mo ago

The pH level of soap varies depending on the type of soap and its ingredients. On average, soap typically has a pH level between 9 and 10, making it slightly alkaline. This pH helps soap effectively clean and remove dirt and oils from the skin.

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