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there are many substances in it

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Both a solution and a mixture consist of two or more substances physically combined. In both cases, the components retain their individual properties and can be separated through physical means such as evaporation or filtration.

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Q: One way that a solution and a mixture is alike?
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Can something be both a Mixture and Solution?

Not necessarily. A mixture can be anything that contains 2 or more substances, like sand and sugar or water and olive oil. In a solution one of the substances has been dissolved in the other, that is to say, one of them has been split up in parts too small to see with the naked eye. Styrofoam in gasoline is a solution. Sugar in water is also a solution and so is tea in water. The tea-leaves however have not dissolved and are not part of the solution.The easiest way to tell if something is a solution is to see if it is transparent (you could see though it, even if it's colored) or opaque.Yes, a solution is always a mixture, but a mixture is not always a solution.

What does the word solution mean?

A solution is a mixture where one or more substances are dissolved in another substance, typically forming a liquid. It can also refer to a way to solve a problem or address a challenge.

Is sand or pebbles a mixture or solution?

it's a mixture !

What is one way to tell that a solid has formed a solution with water?

One way to tell that a solid has formed a solution with water is if the solid has completely dissolved in the water, resulting in a clear and homogeneous mixture. You can observe this by checking if there are no visible solid particles remaining in the water.

Is unsweetened tea a mixture or solution?

a tea is mixer..100% Tea is a mixture of several substances dissolved in water, and is therefore a mixture of solutions. By the way, a solution IS a mixture!

Related questions

How are a mixture and a pure substance alike?

They are not alike in any way, Because of the carbonic sulfur.

Is a solution is a homogenous mixture or a heterogenous mixture?

Homogeneous. because a solution is the same all the way throughout. Like stirred lemonade. The same way, homo in homogeneous means same.

Can something be both a Mixture and Solution?

Not necessarily. A mixture can be anything that contains 2 or more substances, like sand and sugar or water and olive oil. In a solution one of the substances has been dissolved in the other, that is to say, one of them has been split up in parts too small to see with the naked eye. Styrofoam in gasoline is a solution. Sugar in water is also a solution and so is tea in water. The tea-leaves however have not dissolved and are not part of the solution.The easiest way to tell if something is a solution is to see if it is transparent (you could see though it, even if it's colored) or opaque.Yes, a solution is always a mixture, but a mixture is not always a solution.

Is a solution a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

Homogeneous. because a solution is the same all the way throughout. Like stirred lemonade. The same way, homo in homogeneous means same.

What does the word solution mean?

A solution is a mixture where one or more substances are dissolved in another substance, typically forming a liquid. It can also refer to a way to solve a problem or address a challenge.

Is sand or pebbles a mixture or solution?

it's a mixture !

Is hot tea a mixture or a solution?

Hot tea is a mixture of water, tea leaves, and other ingredients like sugar or milk. It is not a solution because the tea leaves do not dissolve completely in the water.

Is fruit salad a solution?

No, fruit salad is a mixture, not a solution. A solution is a homogeneous mixture where all components are evenly distributed at a molecular level, while a fruit salad is a physical combination of different fruits that retain their individual properties.

What is one way communities are alike?

One way in which communities are alike is that the all have problems and specific issues which much be addressed.

How are the Socs and Greasers alike?

They are alike by many ways. One way is that they both are gangs. But that one i know.

What mixture would not scatter light?

A homogenous mixture with particles that are much smaller than the wavelength of light would not scatter light. This is because there would be minimal interaction between the particles and the light waves, allowing the light to pass through without being scattered.

What is one way that atoms of different elements are alike and one way they are different?

they are alike because they all have mass ther diffrent because there lines, and isotpes