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Xenon is a gas at STP. Gases are not malleable.

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3mo ago

Xenon is a non-malleable gas. It is a noble gas that exists as individual atoms rather than bonding with other atoms to form a solid structure like metals do.

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Q: Is xenon a malleable or non malleable?
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What is the malleable of xenon?

Xenon is not malleable, as it is a gas at room temperature and pressure. Malleability is a property of solid materials that can be shaped or formed without breaking, which does not apply to xenon in its gaseous state.

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Mercury is non-ductile and non-malleable, as it is a liquid.Lead is malleable but not ductile.

Why is Xenon a nonmetal?

Xenon is a nonmetal because it lacks the typical properties of metals, such as being malleable and conducting electricity. It is a noble gas located in Group 18 of the periodic table, known for its stable and unreactive nature.

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Xenon is a noble gas and is considered a non-metal. It belongs to Group 18 on the periodic table.

How do you pronounce xenon?

Xenon is pronounced ZEE-non.

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No, metals are generally malleable.

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Is xenon malleable?

Xenon is a noble gas and is not malleable in its standard state. It exists as a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature and pressure, and does not have the properties of malleability or ductility like metals.