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Water is a molecule made up of polar covalent bonds between an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. H2O is one molecule made up from interactions between three atoms.

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3mo ago

Water is a covalent compound composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, bonded together through covalent bonds. A molecule of water contains a single H2O unit.

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Q: Is water a covalent compound made up of one molecule?
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Are water's elements connected by ionic bonds?

Water is a compound or a molecule made by covalent bondings.

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Chloroform is a covalent compound. It is made up of covalent bonds formed between the carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine atoms in the molecule.

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SiO2 is a covalent compound. It is made up of silicon and oxygen atoms that share electrons to form covalent bonds within the molecule.

Is water an example of covalent compound?

Yes, water is a covalent compound. It is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and they share electrons through covalent bonds.

Is tap water a molecular compound?

Yes, tap water is a molecular compound. It is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bonded together to form a molecule of H2O.

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What is a compound made from a group of covalent bonds?

A compound made from a group of covalent bonds is a molecule. A molecule is formed when atoms come together and share electrons through covalent bonds to achieve stability. These covalent bonds hold the atoms together in a specific arrangement to form a distinct chemical entity with its own unique properties.

What is the smallest particle of a covalent compound that has the property of that compound?

A molecule is the smallest particle of a "compound" being that compounds are made up of more than one atom. The smallest particle of any "chemical element" that retains its properties would be the atom.

Is HBr an ionic covalent or acid?

HBr is an acid because it can donate a hydrogen ion when dissolved in water. It is a covalent compound as it is made up of nonmetals (hydrogen and bromine) sharing electrons in a covalent bond.

What kind of bond is tap water?

Tap water is a compound made up of covalent bonds between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the water molecule. Additionally, there may be some ionic bonds present in tap water as well due to dissolved mineral ions.

Is water a atom or a molecule?

Is not a molecule or a atom it is a compound

Is C3H8 covalent or ionic?
