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Washing powder is typically alkaline in nature, as it helps to break down and remove dirt and stains by increasing the pH of the water. This alkalinity helps to enhance the cleaning effectiveness of the detergent.

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Q: Is washing powder an acid or alkalineutral?
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Do washing powder contain acid?

Washing powder doesn't contain acids.

Is washing powder an acid?

no it is neutral

Is washing powder a acid or alkaline?

Washing powder is typically alkaline in nature, with a pH level above 7. This alkalinity helps to break down and remove dirt and grease from fabrics during the washing process.

Is washing powder an acid or a base?

Yes, it is. You can tell weather something is an Alkali, Neutral pr acid via the pH scale or, you can tell if something is an alkali from its consistency; if it is sludgy (like washing-up liquid), it is an alkali. So, I am under the influence that washing-up POWDER is too, an alkali.J.S.P. Aged 11

What is the scientific name for washing powder?

The scientific name for washing powder is sodium carbonate.

Is washing powder a liquid?

No. As the term washing powder would suggest, it is a powder, which consists of many small solid particles.

Is wet washing up powder acid?

Washing up powders are typically alkaline in nature rather than acidic. Alkaline substances are effective in breaking down grease and food particles on dishes.

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Is washing powder an acid or alkaline?

Alkaline because it is a cleaning product. sasjade

Washing powder acid or alkaline?

if you mean biological powder, then no, no, no, NO! acid is never used in washing powder, it would damage your clothes. No, they use enzymes, which are biological catalysts. these are more effective than non-bio, but far worse for your clothes.However i see you put Pool care and cleaning in your subjects. you were probably looking for pool cleaner which is a compound of Chlorine and Potassium to make a soluble salt, very clean and very useful

Is baking powder acid or base?

Baking powder is an acid

Is tartaric acid baking powder?

No, tartaric acid is not baking powder.