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That would depend on what the hogs have been eating.

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3mo ago

No, hog manure does not contain calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Calcium carbonate is a compound that can be found in sources like limestone and chalk, but it is not naturally present in hog manure.

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How many cubic feet of methane gas can be produced by 1 ton of chicken manure Hog manure and then 1 2 and 1 2 Its for a civic project Thanks?

One tone of chicken manure can produce 60 cubic feet of methane gas.

When is a hog not a pig?

A hog is not a pig when the hog isn't domestic.

What does a hog farmer use hog manure for?

Fertilizer, animal waste is sold for this purpose. By the way Pig Boats is an old slang term for submarines., Italian Midget subs were almost always called Pig Boats or Maiale. Legend has it could come from hog-like shape of the hull or the fact they were in camouflaged storage on- my guess in tractor sheds- Pig Farms! Oink Oink. Pig Boat crewmen had oxygen helmets but not gas masks so it was not from dirty odors!

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The head of a hog

How many tusk does hog?

A wild hog can have many to no tusks. This depends on how old the hog is.

Is a duck a hog?

NO! a hog is a pig. A hog is a mammal. A duck is a water bird. A BIRD! NOT A PIG!

What is the possessive form of hog?

The possessive form of the noun hog is hog's.Example: The hog's pen is being repaired.

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hound dog hog

What is the opposite word of the road hog?

It is hog itself.

What is ferrell hog?

is meaner than a wild hog

What type of Hog has tusks?

The hog that has tusks is the warthog.

What is a wort hog?

Warthog, not Wort Hog. It's a wild pig, as the "hog" part might suggest. See here: