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If the phenolphthalein solution turns pink, that means that the plastic bag is permeable to ammonium hydroxide.

If it remains colorless, then the plastic bag is not permeable to ammonium hydroxide.

If the contents of the plastic bag turn pink, then the plastic bag is permeable to phenolphthalein.

If everything remains colorless, then the bag is impermeable to both ammonium hydroxide and phenolphthalein.

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3mo ago

Ammonium hydroxide is a base and phenolphthalein is an indicator that changes color in the presence of bases. When the plastic bag containing ammonium hydroxide is immersed in water with phenolphthalein, the indicator will change color (typically pink or purple) due to the reaction between the ammonium hydroxide and the phenolphthalein, indicating the presence of a base.

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Q: Is there a reaction between the ammonium hydroxide inside a plastic bag when immersed in a water with phenolphthalein?
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