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The structure that results when atoms are joined together by covalent bonds is called a molecule. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons to achieve a stable configuration, forming a discrete unit known as a molecule.

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Q: Is the structure that results when atoms are joined together by covalent bonds is called an?
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What structure that results when atoms are join together by covalent bond is called?

The structure that results when atoms are joined together by a covalent bond is called a molecule.

What is the structure of a atom joined together with a covalent bonds called?

Molecule :)

The structure that results when atoms are joined together by covalent bonds is called a?

A covalent molecules are molecules formed by covalent bond(sharing of electrons) b/n nonmetals with the exception of amonium ion to satisfy octate electron.

Type of covalent bonding that is found in the diamond?

Diamond has a network covalent bonding, where each carbon atom forms four strong covalent bonds with surrounding carbon atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. This results in a strong and rigid structure, making diamond one of the hardest materials known.

What is the name of the structure formed when atoms are joined by covalent bond?

The structure formed when atoms are joined by a covalent bond is called a molecule. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, leading to the formation of a molecule.

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What is the name of the structure formed when atoms are joined by a covalent bond?

The structure formed when atoms are joined by a covalent bond is called a molecule. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, resulting in the formation of a molecule with a specific chemical formula and properties.

In a polymer very long chains of molecules are held together by very strong molecular bonds what are these forces called?

These forces are called covalent bonds. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electron pairs between atoms, resulting in strong bonds that hold the long chains of molecules together in a polymer.

What is the smallest neutral unit of two or more atoms held together by a covalent bond called?

The smallest neutral unit of two or more atoms held together by a covalent bond is called a molecule.

What is is called when two tyeps of atoms bond together?

It is called a chemical bond, which can be either covalent or ionic.

Why are compounds that have covalent bonds called molecules?

Compounds with covalent bonds are called molecules because they consist of two or more atoms held together by shared electrons, forming a stable structure known as a molecule. This sharing of electrons in covalent bonds allows the atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration similar to that of noble gases.

What is the name of the covalent compound of N2O5?

The covalent compound N2O5 is called dinitrogen pentoxide. It is a binary compound composed of nitrogen and oxygen atoms held together by covalent bonds.