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The addition of sugar to vinegar is a physical change because no new substances are formed. Sugar dissolves in the vinegar, but the chemical composition of both sugar and vinegar remains the same.

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Q: Is sugar in vinegar a chemical or physical change?
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Why is sugar and vinegar a chemical change?

When sugar is dissolved in vinegar, it undergoes a chemical change because the sugar molecules break down into simpler molecules due to the acidic environment of the vinegar. This chemical reaction causes the properties of the sugar-vinegar mixture to be different from those of the original sugar and vinegar.

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it is a physical change because no reaction occurs and there is no new substance. :)

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Sugar crystallizing is a physical change because it involves rearranging the molecules of the sugar without changing their chemical composition.

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Mixing yeast and sugar is a physical change, as the yeast and sugar molecules remain the same even though they are combined. A chemical change would occur if the yeast and sugar reacted together to produce a different substance, such as carbon dioxide during fermentation.

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When sugar dissolves in hot water, it is a physical change. This is because the sugar molecules are simply mixing with the water molecules but are not undergoing a chemical reaction to form new substances.

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Adding sugar to cereal is a physical change because the sugar does not undergo a chemical reaction when mixed with the cereal. The sugar retains its chemical structure and properties, only altering the taste of the cereal.

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It is a physical change.

Is a cube of surgar dissolving in water a physical or chemical change?

This is a physical change the chemical composition of the sugar does not change

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its a chemical lol