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3mo ago

Seawater is a mixture. It is composed of water, various dissolved salts and minerals, gases, and organic matter. These components can be physically separated through processes such as evaporation or filtration.

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Q: Is seawater mixture or compound
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Is seawater a element or compound?

Seawater is a mixture of different elements and compounds. It is primarily composed of water and contains dissolved salts, minerals, and other substances. So, seawater is not an element but a complex mixture of different compounds.

is seawater a compound mixtue or element?

sodium is an element and also can be an ingredient of a compound. Sea water contains sodium(salt). They say rainwater is acidic, and if it is then the seawater also contains a form of acid, which is a compound to many types of solutions. Answer to your question: BOTH

Is sea water a mixture or compound?

Seawater is a mixture - a compound is a chemically bonded substance involving more than one element.

Is a seawater a element mixture compound?

It's a solution; water with dissolved solids.

Is water a mixture a compound or element?

Water is a compound made up of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. It is not a mixture or an element itself.

Which of the following is not a mixture a. pure water b. seawater c. air d. brass?

Answer a. Pure Water is not a mixture - it is a compound. Seawater is a mixture of water and salts, air is a mixture of gases and brass is a mixture (an alloy) of copper and zinc metals.

Why is seawater considered a mixture whereas distilled water is considered a compound?

Because seawater has particles in it that can be filtered whereas distilled water is pure

Seawater a compound or mixture?

Seawater is a mixture because it consists of various substances combined physically, such as water, salt, minerals, and other organic materials. Each component retains its own properties and can be separated through physical methods like evaporation or distillation.

Is the foam from the sea a compound mixture or an element?

Foam from the sea is a mixture, not a compound or an element. It is made up of a combination of water, air, organic matter, and other substances such as salts and minerals.

Is seawater a mixture or substance?

It is a mixture

Is seawater a homegeneous mixture?

No, seawater is not a homogeneous mixture. It is a complex mixture of water, salts, minerals, and organic matter that is not uniformly distributed throughout.

Is seawater a solution or a mixture?

Seawater may be considered a heterogeneous mixture because contain many insoluble materials.