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Neither. It's neutral. It's the product of a strong acid and a strong base.

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Elian Konopelski

Lvl 13
2y ago
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13y ago

No, or perhaps more accurately "not necessarily." Some salts are acidic, some salts are basic, and some salts are neutral. Without knowing which specific salt you mean, it's impossible to tell. (A mixture of sodium chloride and water is essentially neutral.)

Seawater is usually slightly basic (around pH 8, plus or minus half a unit).

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4mo ago

No, sea water is not an acid. It is a mixture of different salts and minerals dissolved in water, which gives it a slightly alkaline pH.

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10y ago

Salt water is basic because it has a pH level of 7.8 to 8.2. If salt water was an acid, it would have a pH level between 0 and 6.

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16y ago

Salt water is typically alkaline but it can also be acidic

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15y ago

No it is just salt.

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Q: Is sea water an acid
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No, when an acid and an alkali react, they neutralize each other and form water and a salt. Salt water is a solution of water and salt, which is different from the result of a reaction between an acid and alkali.

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Hydrochloric acid (HCl) will produce an acidic solution when dissolved in water.

Is sea water an acid or a base?

Sea water is considered to be slightly basic, with a pH typically around 8.1. This means that it has a higher concentration of hydroxide ions compared to hydronium ions.

Do you add water to acid or add acid to water?

you add acid to water

Is vineger sea water and distilled water low or high in PH?

They all have a low pH, distilled water has a pH of around 7 and vinegar is an acid along with seawater making them below seven.

What does acid do to water?

acid polltues the water beccasue of the chemicals inside the acid rain!

What happens when you add chlorine to saltwater?

When chlorine is added to saltwater, it reacts with the water molecules to form hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid. Hypochlorous acid acts as a disinfectant to kill bacteria and other microbes present in the water, making it safer for swimming or drinking.