The light elements in the universe, such as hydrogen and helium, were created during the Big Bang. Heavy elements, like carbon, oxygen, and iron, were formed in the cores of stars through nuclear fusion processes.
Plants require light to undergo the process of photosynthesis, which produces oxygen as a byproduct. In the absence of light, plants cannot perform photosynthesis and therefore do not produce oxygen.
Oxygen is produced during the light reactions of photosynthesis when water molecules are split by the photosystem II complex. This process releases oxygen as a byproduct.
Oxygen does not react with air or water. Nothing actually "reacts" with light as it is not a substance. It can induce a reaction in some substance, but not oxygen. Oxygen will, however react with some acids mostly organic ones, at high temperatures.
The process where oxygen is reacted to produce heat and light is called combustion. It involves a rapid chemical reaction between a fuel source and oxygen that results in the release of energy in the form of heat and light.
you are using all oxygen in your lungs and still screaming so this makes you light headed
Silver is considered a heavy metal in terms of its density compared to lighter elements like oxygen or carbon. However, it is not as heavy as some other metals like gold or platinum.
Another word for "light" as in not heavy is "lightweight."
The opposite of heavy is light.
The antonym for the word "heavy" is "light."
The antonym for heavy is light.
The opposite of heavy is light.
No, oxygen does not produce light. Light is produced by a variety of processes such as heat, chemical reactions, and electrical discharges, but oxygen itself does not emit light.
The light elements in the universe, such as hydrogen and helium, were created during the Big Bang. Heavy elements, like carbon, oxygen, and iron, were formed in the cores of stars through nuclear fusion processes.
inertia: the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion If a light rock is being thrown at a heavy rock the light rock would probably crack or get deflected from the heavy rock, but if a heavy rock is being thrown at a light rock the light rock would most likely shatter. A: The heavy rock has more inertia
light if low heavy if high -peace
"Light" as in "not heavy" is an adjective. Example: The student decided to take the light book instead of the heavy book. "Light" as in "to light a fire" is a verb.