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Oxalic acid is a covalent compound. It is composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms held together by covalent bonds.

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Q: Is oxalic acid ionic or covalent?
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Sulfuric acid is a covalent molecule. It is formed through covalent bonds between sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms.

Is oxalic acid dibasic?

Yes, oxalic acid is a dibasic acid, meaning it can donate two protons (H+) in chemical reactions. This property enables oxalic acid to form two types of salts when reacting with bases.

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HNO3 (nitric acid) is ionic.

Why you heat oxalic acid and sulphuric acid solution?

Heating oxalic acid and sulfuric acid solution can help in the formation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases. This process is often used in the laboratory to generate these gases for various chemical reactions or analytical purposes.

Is acetylsalicylic acid an ionic bond?

No, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a covalent compound, not an ionic bond. In acetylsalicylic acid, the atoms are held together by sharing electrons, which is a characteristic of covalent bonds.

What is the forumla for oxalic acid?

Oxalic acid is H2C2O4

Does Rhubarb have acid in it?

no Oxalic acid is found in rhubarb

Is lauric acid a ionic?

No, lauric acid is not ionic. It is a saturated fatty acid with a long hydrocarbon chain and a carboxylic acid group, making it a covalent molecule.

Is oxalic acid a strong acid?

No, oxalic acid is considered a weak acid. It dissociates partially in water to release hydrogen ions.