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3mo ago

Methylated spirits, also known as methanol or denatured alcohol, is a liquid solvent commonly used as a cleaning agent, fuel additive, and in some industrial processes.

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Related questions

What are some examples of liquid fuels?

Petrol (gas in USA), diesel, methylated spirits, liquid gas, are some examples.

Is Methylated spirits singular or plural?

Methylated spirits is plural. A methylated spirt is singular.

Can salt dissolve in methylated spirit?

No. I recently did an experiment where we had to put salt in methylated spirits and it didn't dissolve. Most things can't dissolve in methylated spirits.

Can methylated spirit be separated with a funnel?

Yes, methylated spirit can be separated using a funnel. It can be separated by the process of distillation where the components are boiled off at different temperatures and condensed back into separate liquids.

What is the effect of methylated spirit on human body?

effact of methylated spirit on the human body

How would you find the density of methylated spirit?

To find the density of methylated spirit, you would measure the mass of a known volume of the liquid using a balance and a graduated cylinder. Then, divide the mass by the volume to calculate the density. The density of methylated spirit is typically around 0.79-0.81 g/cm3 at room temperature.

What is the observation of wood sinking in methylated sprite?

Because the density of the Methylated sprite is grater than that of the wood.

What is methylhistidine?

methylated histidine

Does PVC dissolve in methylated spirits?

No, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) does not dissolve in methylated spirits. Methylated spirits is a type of alcohol-based solvent that is not compatible with PVC material.

Is methylated spirits flamable?

Yes, methylated spirits (denatured alcohol) is flammable. It is a volatile substance that can easily catch fire when exposed to a flame or spark. It is important to handle and store methylated spirits safely to prevent accidents.

Will methylated spirits damage rubber?

Yes, prolonged exposure to methylated spirits can damage rubber by causing it to swell, harden, or degrade over time. It is recommended to avoid contact between rubber and methylated spirits to prevent potential damage.

What is the pH of methylated spirits?

Methylated spirits typically have a pH of around 7, which is considered neutral.