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It is a white crumbly slightly alkline(10.3) substance

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4mo ago

Magnesium oxide is a basic or alkaline substance. When added to water, magnesium oxide reacts to form magnesium hydroxide which is alkaline in nature.

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Q: Is magnesium oxide an alkaline solution?
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Which substance neutralize acid without leaving an alkaline solution?

Magnesium oxide is a substance that can neutralize acid without leaving an alkaline solution. When it reacts with an acid, magnesium oxide forms magnesium chloride and water, with no excess alkalinity left in the solution.

PH of magnesium oxide?

The pH of Magnesium oxide is 10.3, which is slightly alkaline.

Is magnesium oxide a base or alkali?

Magnesium oxide is considered a base because it is a metal oxide that reacts with water to form a basic solution. Alkalis are usually bases that are soluble in water, like sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.

When magnesium is reacted with water why does it turn the litmus paper blue?

Red litmus paper turns blue in basic conditions. the reaction of magnesium with water produces Magnesium Oxide and Hydrogen. Magnesium Oxide (Mg(OH)2) dissolves in water to form an alkaline solution. (Alkalines are a type of base)

Why oxides of magnisium are basic in nature?

Oxides of magnesium are basic in nature because they react with water to form magnesium hydroxide, which is alkaline. Magnesium oxide can also neutralize acids by forming salts and water. This characteristic is due to the presence of oxide ions, which can accept protons and increase the pH of a solution.

Blowing carbon dioxide gas into a solution of magnesium oxide will form what product?

When carbon dioxide gas is blown into a solution of magnesium oxide, it will form magnesium carbonate as a product. This reaction involves the carbon dioxide reacting with the magnesium oxide to form the magnesium carbonate.

What has an oxide which reacts with water to gie an alkaline solution?

Metal oxides such as calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO) react with water to form alkaline solutions. This process is known as slaking, where the metal oxide reacts with water to form metal hydroxide, releasing heat in the process.

How do you make magnesium hydroxide solution?

To make magnesium hydroxide solution, simply mix magnesium oxide with water. The chemical equation for this reaction is: MgO + H2O -> Mg(OH)2. Stir the solution thoroughly until the magnesium oxide is fully dissolved to obtain magnesium hydroxide solution.

What product is made by blowing carbon dioxide gas into a solution of magnesium oxide?

Magnesium carbonate is produced when carbon dioxide gas is blown into a solution of magnesium oxide. This reaction results in the precipitation of magnesium carbonate as a solid product.

Does magnesium oxide dissolve in ethanol?

Magnesium oxide is sparingly soluble in ethanol. While magnesium oxide will not fully dissolve in ethanol, some small amount may dissolve to form a solution.

Is magnesium oxide aqueous?

No, magnesium oxide is not aqueous; it is a solid compound. Aqueous solutions involve substances dissolved in water, while magnesium oxide does not dissolve in water to form a solution.

What happens when magnesium oxide is added to water the salt will be?

When magnesium oxide is added to water, it will react to form magnesium hydroxide, a salt solution, and release heat. This reaction is exothermic and the magnesium hydroxide formed will be a white solid that will dissolve in water to form the salt solution.