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3mo ago

Yes, lithium fluoride is a salt. It is an inorganic compound composed of the metal lithium and the anion fluoride.

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What kind of bonds are involved in lithium fluoride?

Lithium fluoride is an salt held together by ionic bonds.

What is the name for the ionic compound LiF?

lithium fluoride

What are the elements in lithium fluoride?

The compound lithium fluoride is made up of lithium (Li) and fluoride (F) ions. The chemical formula for lithium fluoride is LiF.

What is the chemical formula for lithium fluorine?

LiF ( Note the use and position of capitals and small case letters.

What species are present in lithium fluoride?

Lithium fluoride is composed of lithium cations (Li+) and fluoride anions (F-). These are the only species present in lithium fluoride.

What happens when a lithium ion is attracted to an fluoride ion?

When a lithium ion is attracted to a fluoride ion, they may form an ionic bond to create lithium fluoride. The positively charged lithium ion is attracted to the negatively charged fluoride ion due to their opposite charges. This bond is typically strong and stable.

What is the formula for the compound formed from fluorine and lithium?

The compound formed from fluorine and lithium is lithium fluoride. The chemical formula for lithium fluoride is LiF.

What type of bond is formed with lithium and fluoride?

Ionic bond in lithium fluoride.

What is the formula of lithium fluoride?

The formula for lithium fluoride is LiF. It consists of one lithium atom (Li) and one fluoride atom (F) bonded together.

Why does sodium fluoride have a higher boiling point than lithium fluoride?

Sodium fluoride has a higher boiling point than lithium fluoride due to stronger intermolecular forces of attraction between sodium and fluoride ions in sodium fluoride compared to lithium and fluoride ions in lithium fluoride. This stronger bond requires more energy to break, leading to a higher boiling point for sodium fluoride.

Spell out the full name of the compound LiF?

The full name of the compound LiF is lithium fluoride.

What elements make lithium fluoride?

Lithium fluoride is composed of lithium ions (Li+) and fluoride ions (F-). Each lithium ion is surrounded by four fluoride ions in a tetrahedral arrangement, creating a lattice structure. This compound is held together by ionic bonds due to the attraction between the positively charged lithium ions and the negatively charged fluoride ions.