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Technically speaking Oxygen is niether organic nor in organic it is a free's like asking if white is a dark color or a light color...because technically white is not a color it is the absence of color....but to answer your question to the best of my ability...since oxygen doesn't contain the element carbon it can be considered inorganic as such so can hydrogen...the human body is made up of 57% or so of water which is comprised of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen....while oxygen makes up most of the mass of a human body...but there are more hydrogen I believe that Oxygen would be your answer in the spirit that the question was asked.

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3mo ago

Yes, oxygen is the most abundant inorganic compound in the body. It plays a crucial role in cellular respiration and is essential for generating energy in the form of ATP for various physiological processes. Oxygen is carried throughout the body by red blood cells and is vital for sustaining life.

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Q: Is it the oxygen is the most abundant inorganic compound in the body?
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What is the most abundant inorganic substance in a typical cell?

Water is the most abundant inorganic substance in a typical cell, constituting about 70-95% of the cell's mass. It plays vital roles in various cellular processes, such as nutrient transport, chemical reactions, and maintaining cell structure.

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Iron is an essential inorganic compound necessary for circulation, as it is a key component of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin binds to oxygen in the lungs and carries it throughout the body via the circulatory system. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and impaired oxygen transport.

Is it Oxygen is the most abundant inorganic compound in the body?

Technically speaking Oxygen is niether organic nor in organic it is a free's like asking if white is a dark color or a light color...because technically white is not a color it is the absence of color....but to answer your question to the best of my ability...since oxygen doesn't contain the element carbon it can be considered inorganic as such so can hydrogen...the human body is made up of 57% or so of water which is comprised of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen....while oxygen makes up most of the mass of a human body...but there are more hydrogen I believe that Oxygen would be your answer in the spirit that the question was asked.

Is Oxygen is the most abundant inorganic compound in the body?

Technically speaking Oxygen is niether organic nor in organic it is a free's like asking if white is a dark color or a light color...because technically white is not a color it is the absence of color....but to answer your question to the best of my ability...since oxygen doesn't contain the element carbon it can be considered inorganic as such so can hydrogen...the human body is made up of 57% or so of water which is comprised of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen....while oxygen makes up most of the mass of a human body...but there are more hydrogen I believe that Oxygen would be your answer in the spirit that the question was asked.

What is the most abundnt compound in living things?

Water makes up about 65% of the human body.

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Do organic or inorganic compounds comprise more of the body?

Organic compounds comprise more of the body than inorganic compounds. Organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, are essential for the structure and function of cells and tissues. Inorganic compounds, such as salts and minerals, play important roles in various bodily processes but are present in smaller quantities compared to organic compounds.

Elements abundant in the body are not abundant on Earth true or false?

False. Elements abundant in the human body, such as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, are also abundant in the Earth's crust.

What is the most abundant organic compound in the body?

Water is the most abundant organic compound in the body. It plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, such as transportation of nutrients, temperature regulation, and waste removal.