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Hydrogen gas is odourless, invisible, tasteless and explosive if mixed with oxygen.

As GREEN gas is Chlorine, which as a pungent odour and is poisonous.

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9mo ago
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3mo ago

Hydrogen gas is considered green when produced using renewable energy sources like wind or solar power. This process, known as green hydrogen production, is more environmentally friendly than traditional methods that rely on fossil fuels.

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9y ago

No. Hydrogen is colorless.

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Q: Is hydrogen gas green
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Which gases green in color?

Chlorine gas is green in color.

Is hydrogen sulphide a green house gas?

Yes, hydrogen sulphide is considered a greenhouse gas. While it is not as prevalent as other greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide or methane, it can still contribute to the greenhouse effect by trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere.

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hydrogen If the person posting the question is looking for a gas that is an element perhaps the answer they are looking for is Chlorine [Not that Hydrogen is not an element but I do not recall it having colour]

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Hydrogen chloride is a compound composed of hydrogen and chlorine atoms bonded together, while hydrogen gas and chlorine gas are pure elements. Hydrogen gas is diatomic, consisting of two hydrogen atoms bonded together, while chlorine gas is diatomic, with two chlorine atoms bonded together. Hydrogen chloride is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, while hydrogen gas is colorless and odorless, and chlorine gas is a yellow-green gas with a strong odor.

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What did they do with the carbon? The CO2 is vented into the air........ Go green! wait, that only feels green......

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The gas commonly found on Uranus is methane, which gives the planet its blue-green color.

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Water vapor is a common greenhouse gas found in hydrogen and oxygen. It is a naturally occurring component of the Earth's atmosphere and plays a significant role in the Earth's climate system.

Can nickel reacts with hydrochloric acid?

Yes, nickel can react with hydrochloric acid to form nickel chloride and hydrogen gas. The reaction produces bubbles of hydrogen gas and the solution turns green due to the formation of nickel chloride.

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When hydrogen gas reacts with fluorine gas, the product formed is hydrogen fluoride (HF) gas.

Can Hydrogen fly?

Hydrogen alone is a gas and cannot fly. However, hydrogen gas can be used as a lifting gas in balloons or airships, which enables them to fly.

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Hydrogen is not a noble gas.

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