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No, hydrochloric acid is stronger than citric acid.

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3mo ago

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than citric acid. Hydrochloric acid is a mineral acid with a lower pH level and is known for its strong corrosive properties. Citric acid, on the other hand, is a weak organic acid commonly found in citrus fruits and is less corrosive compared to hydrochloric acid.

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Q: Is hydrochloric acid weaker than citric acid?
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Acetic acid is weaker than hydrochloric acid because the acetate ion is a weaker conjugate base than the chloride ion. In other words, acetic acid has a lower tendency to donate a proton compared to hydrochloric acid. This is due to differences in the stability of their respective conjugate bases.

Is Hydrochloric acid is stronger than carbonic acid?

Yes, hydrochloric acid is stronger than carbonic acid. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid, whereas carbonic acid is a weak acid. Strong acids fully dissociate in water, releasing more hydrogen ions, making them stronger acids.

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Both are strong acids (this means stronger than H3O+) but HI is stronger than HCl.

Is citric acid heavier than water?

No, citric acid is not heavier than water. The density of citric acid is lower than that of water, so citric acid will float on the surface of water.

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Sulfuric acid is generally considered stronger than hydrochloric acid because it is a strong acid that can fully dissociate in water to release more hydrogen ions. Hydrochloric acid is also a strong acid but is slightly weaker than sulfuric acid.

Which is more acidic hydrochloric acid or picric acid?

Hydrochloric acid is more acidic than picric acid. Hydrochloric acid fully dissociates in solution to release hydrogen ions, resulting in a lower pH compared to picric acid, which is a weaker acid that does not fully dissociate in solution.

What are the disadvantages of using citric acid as a descaler?

Some disadvantages of using citric acid as a descaler include its relatively slower action compared to stronger acids like hydrochloric acid, which may require longer soaking times. In addition, citric acid may not be as effective at removing heavy mineral deposits or tough stains. Finally, repeated use of citric acid can sometimes leave a residue on surfaces.

Is ethanoic stronger than hydrochloric?

In terms of acidity, hydrochloric acid is stronger than ethanoic acid. Hydrochloric acid is a mineral acid with a lower pH value and is therefore considered a stronger acid compared to ethanoic acid, also known as acetic acid.

What does it mean if Citric acid has a higher solubility than salt?

If citric acid has a higher solubility than salt, it means that more citric acid can dissolve in a given amount of water compared to salt. This indicates that citric acid molecules have a greater affinity for water molecules, leading to better solubility.

Which is a stronger acid Hydrochloric or acetic?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than acetic acid. This is because hydrochloric acid fully dissociates in water to form more H+ ions, making it a stronger acid compared to acetic acid, which only partially dissociates.

What acid is stronger hydrochloric or ethanoic?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than ethanoic acid. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid that dissociates completely in water, while ethanoic acid is a weak acid that only partially dissociates.