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3mo ago

No, human sweat is not a form of condensation. Sweat is a liquid produced by sweat glands in the skin to regulate body temperature by cooling the body through evaporation. Condensation is the process of a gas turning into a liquid when it cools.

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Q: Is human sweat a form of condensation?
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Which phase change causes cold drinks to sweat?

Condensation causes cold drinks to sweat when the warm, humid air comes into contact with the cooler surface of the drink, causing the water vapor in the air to change into liquid form. This process is similar to how dew forms on grass in the morning.

What is the between of hippo sweat and human sweat?

Colour.Hippo sweat is red/orange while human sweat is colourless.

How do you make soda can sweat?

To make a soda can sweat, place it in a cold environment or add ice to the surface of the can. The difference in temperature between the cold can and the warm air causes condensation to form on the outside of the can, creating the "sweating" effect.

What is anti sweat insulation?

Anti sweat insulation means to prevent condensation of atmospheric water vapour on the surface of pipe is called anti sweat insulation.

How much does an average human sweat?

sweat averagely

Why does a glass of hot water sweat inside?

Condensation of the cool air on the hot glass.

How sweat form?

sweat is formed by running

What is the altitude at which condensation causes to form clouds?

condensation level

What causes double pane windows to sweat?

Double pane windows sweat when there is a significant difference in temperature and humidity between the inside and outside of the glass. This temperature difference causes condensation to form on the interior surface of the glass. Proper ventilation and controlling indoor humidity levels can help reduce window condensation.

Is Perspiration from people condensation?

No, perspiration is not condensation. Perspiration is the body's natural way of regulating temperature by releasing sweat through the skin, while condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is converted into liquid water on a surface.

Do human lips sweat?

No, human lips do not contain sweat glands. Sweat glands are primarily located on the skin throughout the body excluding the lips. Sweat is produced by these glands to regulate body temperature.