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yes it is

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1mo ago

No, heating food in the oven is a conversion of electrical energy to thermal energy. The heat energy generated in the oven causes the molecules in the food to move faster, resulting in the food being cooked.

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Q: Is food being heated in the oven a conversion from chemical energy to mechanical?
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Yes, a bimetal strip can be used to produce energy when heated by converting the thermal energy into mechanical energy. When the bimetal strip bends due to differential expansion of its constituent metals, this mechanical energy can be harnessed to perform work or generate electricity using a suitable mechanism like a generator.

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When mercury oxide is heated, it can undergo a chemical reaction where it decomposes into mercury and oxygen gas. In this process, chemical energy is converted into thermal energy as heat is applied to break the chemical bonds in the mercury oxide.

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Electrical energy is transformed into heat and mechanical energy in a hair dryer. The electrical energy powers a heating element, which generates heat to dry and style hair. The mechanical energy is used to power the fan that blows the heated air.

What is chemical energy and how is energy released?

chemical energy is energy found in substances. energy is never lost or gained (remember that) . you can measure the energy and release energy by heating substances. This way energy is released when the compounds heated are broken down.