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Fluorine is a highly reactive, pale yellow gas that is never found in its pure form in nature. It is the most electronegative element, meaning it has a strong affinity for electrons. This reactivity and electronegativity make fluorine a key element in many industrial processes and consumer products.

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Q: Is fluorine dull
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Is fluorine dull or shiny?

Fluorine is a dull, pale yellow gas at room temperature and pressure. It does not have a shiny appearance.

What are three physical appearance of fluorine in pure form at room teperature?

ok well pure fluorine is coloured pale yellow, it is a highly corrosive and poisonous gas. it has a vitreous and dull lustre. at room temperature it is a gas.

What is a homograph for dull?

One homograph for "dull" is "dull." In this context, "dull" can refer to the lack of sharpness or brightness, as in a dull knife or a dull color. "Dull" can also mean lacking interest or excitement, as in a dull movie or a dull conversation.

What is the comparative and superlative adjective for dull?

more dull and most dull

What is comparative and superlative degree of dull?

more dull and most dull

Opposite of dull?

the opposite of dull is sharp. like "the dull knife and the sharp knife."=dull means boring and not fun.=

How many elements are in a fluorine atom?

A fluorine atom has 9 protons and 9 electrons, which are the defining features of an element.

How many atoms of fluorine in barium?

Barium does not contain any fluorine atoms. Barium and fluorine are separate elements with different atomic structures.

Is fluorine hard?

No. Fluorine is a gas.

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What is is the symbol for fluorine?

The chemical symbol for fluorine is F.

What type of bond is formed when you combine fluorine and fluorine?

A covalent bond is formed when fluorine combines with fluorine. This is because both fluorine atoms have similar electronegativities and share electrons to achieve a stable octet configuration.