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3mo ago

Ferrous oxide is a compound composed of iron and oxygen, while rust is the reddish-brown oxide that forms on iron or steel when exposed to oxygen and moisture. Ferrous oxide can eventually contribute to the formation of rust on iron or steel surfaces when exposed to the elements over time.

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Q: Is ferrous oxide rust
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What is the fomula for rust?

That would be Fe2O3, or Ferrous Oxide.

What chemical is rust?

Iron and water exposed to oxygen Ferrous oxide

How is rust the result of a chemical reaction?

Iron combines chemically with oxygen to form two forms of rust, ferrous oxide and ferric oxide.

What is another word for iron-oxide?

Ferrous oxide is used by most scientists but iron oxide is also used.

What is another word for iron oxide?

ferrum (ferric, ferrous)

What is produced when oxygen and iron react?

ferrous or ferric oxide which we commonly call rust.

Where does Ferrous Oxide occur?

Ferrous oxide, also known as iron(II) oxide, occurs naturally as the mineral magnetite. It is commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks, and is also a component of some meteorites.

What is another scientific word for rusting?

Oxidising, or oxidation. Rust forms from the oxidation of iron, creating Ferrous Oxide (rust). also chickenrust

What is FeO in chemistry?

FeO is the chemical formula for iron(II) oxide, also known as ferrous oxide. It is a black-colored mineral that is commonly found in nature as a component of rust. It is used in various industrial applications, including in the production of steel.

What is the main compound in rust?

The main compound in rust is iron oxide, which is formed when iron reacts with oxygen in the presence of water or moisture.

Is rust an element of iron and oxygen called iron oxide?

Yes, rust is a reddish-brown coating formed on iron or steel by the action of oxygen and moisture. It is primarily composed of iron oxide, specifically a compound known as iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3).

What makes salt water rust a nail?

The Oxygen in the water reacts with the iron in the nail, making Ferrous Oxide