Einsteinium is a radioactive element that is not inherently explosive or noxious in its pure form. However, its radioactivity makes it potentially hazardous to health and the environment if not handled properly and with appropriate safety measures.
Einsteinium is a radioactive element and is not inherently explosive. However, it can release energy in the form of radiation as it decays, but it is not known to exhibit explosive properties.
Einsteinium is a radioactive metal, and as such, it does not have a distinct odor. It is not typically encountered in everyday settings due to its radioactivity and limited production in research labs.
Gold is a stable, non-radioactive metal that is not explosive or noxious. It is known for its inertness and resistance to corrosion, making it a popular choice for jewelry and other decorative purposes.
Radioactive, synthetic.
Einsteinium is a radioactive element that is man-made and does not occur naturally in the environment. It is a synthetic element with no known biological function.
Einsteinium is a radioactive element and is not inherently explosive. However, it can release energy in the form of radiation as it decays, but it is not known to exhibit explosive properties.
yes it is
Sodium is not explosive or radioactive in its natural form. However, it can react violently with water, producing hydrogen gas which can ignite and cause an explosion. It is not noxious, but inhaling sodium dust or vapors can be harmful to health.
Einsteinium is radioactive and probably toxic.
Einsteinium is extremely radioactive and dangerous.
Einsteinium is extremely radioactive and dangerous.
Einsteinium is a radioactive metal, and as such, it does not have a distinct odor. It is not typically encountered in everyday settings due to its radioactivity and limited production in research labs.
Gold is a stable, non-radioactive metal that is not explosive or noxious. It is known for its inertness and resistance to corrosion, making it a popular choice for jewelry and other decorative purposes.
it is just radioactive ok hesh people
Because einsteinium is highly radioactive it is very hot.