Tea is a mixture of different compounds, such as water, caffeine, and various flavoring compounds. It is not a pure element or compound itself.
It's a mixture. To be specific, a compound is a substance which is made up of similar constituent particles which may be two or more. It is uniform in composition throughout. Therefore, tea is a mixture because it is made up of many individual substances which are mixture themselves.
Iced tea is a mixture, as it is made from a combination of water, tea leaves, and sometimes sugar or other flavorings. It is not a compound or element as it is composed of multiple substances that are physically combined.
a tea is mixer..100% Tea is a mixture of several substances dissolved in water, and is therefore a mixture of solutions. By the way, a solution IS a mixture!
Mixture; the tea and water
Pearl milk tea is a mixture since it is made up of various components including tea, milk, sugar, and tapioca pearls.
Dust and leaves
It is both a substance and mixture. If you meant "Is hot tea a mixture or compound?" then it is a mixture.
Yes its a pure substance
It is a mixture of water and tea from tea leaves.
Sweet tea is not a pure substance as it is often made with false sugar and other preservatives.
I think it's a mixture.
Dry tea is a mixture because it is made of several components that are combined. It is made of dried tea leaves mixed together and then added to water.
No, of course not.
Yes, tea is a mixture of many organic substances.