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Both citric acid and phosphoric acid are commonly used food acids and have different strength levels. Citric acid is generally milder and provides a tart flavor, while phosphoric acid is stronger and is often used in softer drinks to give a sharper taste. The choice between the two acids depends on the desired flavor profile and potency needed in a product.

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Q: Is citric stronger than phosphoric
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Is phosphoric acid stronger then citric acid?

Yes, phosphoric acid is typically stronger than citric acid. Phosphoric acid is a stronger acid than citric acid due to its higher acidity and tendency to dissociate in water to a greater extent.

Which is a strong acid citric nitric or phosphoric acid?

Nitric acid is considered a strong acid, followed by phosphoric acid and then citric acid. Strong acids are ones that ionize completely in water to produce a high concentration of hydrogen ions. Nitric acid dissociates almost completely in water, making it a stronger acid compared to phosphoric and citric acid.

Is phosphoric acid stronger than citric acid?

Yes, phosphoric acid is generally considered to be stronger than citric acid as it has a lower pH value. Phosphoric acid is commonly used in food and beverage industries for its strong acidic properties.

Which one is organic acid citric or sulphuric or nitric or phosphoric?

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What kind of acid do pepsi have in it?

Phosphoric, citric, and others.

Is acetic acid stronger than phosphoric acid?

In terms of acidity, phosphoric acid is typically considered stronger than acetic acid. Phosphoric acid is a triprotic acid, which means it can donate three protons in solution, leading to a stronger acid strength compared to acetic acid, which is a weak acid.

Does diet coke have citric acid'?

yes it contains citric acid as a main ingredient

What acids are in Pepsi?

It has 2 acids in it Phosphoric Acid and Citric Acid

Which is stronger sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid?

Sulfuric acid is stronger than phosphoric acid. Sulfuric acid is a strong acid while phosphoric acid is a weak acid. Sulfuric acid is more corrosive and has a lower pH compared to phosphoric acid.

Can you give me some types of weak acids?

citric acid, phosphoric acid

Is Acetic acid more stronger than citric acid?

Acetic acid is typically stronger than citric acid in terms of acidity because it has a lower pH. However, the strength of an acid can also depend on the specific context or application in which it is being used.

Is hydrochloric acid weaker than citric acid?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than citric acid. Hydrochloric acid is a mineral acid with a lower pH level and is known for its strong corrosive properties. Citric acid, on the other hand, is a weak organic acid commonly found in citrus fruits and is less corrosive compared to hydrochloric acid.