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Yes it is a phisycal change because even though you cut the carrot in half its still a carrot. You're not changing the substence you are just changing what it looks like no cutting carrotis not a physical change no cutting carrotis not a physical change

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15y ago
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15y ago

i think it is a physical change as it is a change of shape

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12y ago

Cutting carrots into the sticks is a physical change.

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7y ago

Mastication is a physical process and digestion is a chemical process.

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7y ago

Biting a carrot is a physical change. Chewing a carrot is mostly physical but does involve a small amount of chemical change. Digestion of the carrot in the stomach is a chemical change.

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15y ago

Cutting carrots is a physical change.

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15y ago

A physical change.

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7y ago

This is a physical change.

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Physical change

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Q: Why is cutting of carrots a physical change?
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