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chemical change

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3mo ago

Buoyancy is a physical change, not a chemical change. It results from the relationship between an object's density and the density of the fluid it is placed in, causing the object to either float or sink.

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Q: Is buoyancy a physical or chemical change?
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Is buoyancy a physical change?

It is physical because the object doesn't chemical change . the object just pushes upward in water of liquid and gas( air) on an object placed in it.

Why is buoyancy a physical change?

It is physical because the object doesn't chemical change . the object just pushes upward in water of liquid and gas( air) on an object placed in it.

Is flotation a physical change or chemical change?

Flotation is a physical change. It involves changing the density or buoyancy of an object in a liquid to make it float or sink. There is no chemical reaction taking place during flotation.

Is buoyancy a chemical property?

Yes, buoyancy is considered a physical property. It is a type of physical property because it is related to the density and weight of the item, which are both physical.

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Crushing charcoal into powder is a physical change, as it alters the size and shape of the charcoal without changing its chemical composition.

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An acid is a chemical compound, not a physical or chemical change.

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It is a physical change.Density is not a chemical property. Instead, it is a physical property.

Is Cleaning a painted surface with acid a chemical or physical change?

Chemical broooooooooooooooo niga

What is the diffrenece between a physical change and a chemical change?

Physical change is a change in the structure. Chemical change is a change in the composition. Melting is a physical change. Complexing is a chemical change.