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No, it is not.

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3mo ago

Argon is considered a noble gas and is known for its very low reactivity. It is colorless, odorless, and non-toxic, making it one of the least reactive gases.

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Q: Is argon the least reactive gas?
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Argon is a highly reactive gas true or false?

False. Argon is an inert gas and is not highly reactive. It is colorless, odorless, and non-flammable.

Why chemists might sometimes store reactive chemicals in argon An. To which family does argon belong?

Chemists might store reactive chemicals in argon because argon is an inert gas that does not react with most substances, thereby providing a stable environment for storing reactive chemicals. Argon belongs to the noble gas family.

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Is argon flammable?

No, argon is a non-flammable, inert gas. It does not support combustion and is not reactive with other elements.

Is the argon noble gas?

Yes, argon is a noble gas. It is a colorless, odorless, and non-reactive gas that is part of the noble gas group on the periodic table.

Is argon more reactive than oxygen?

No, argon is not more reactive than oxygen. In fact, argon is a noble gas and is very non-reactive, while oxygen is a highly reactive element that readily participates in chemical reactions.

Which element is the least reactive in period 4?

Noble gasses are least reactive of all the elements. So the least reactive element in the period 4 is Krypton. It is a noble gas with an atomic number of 36.

Is chlorine more reactive with oxygen than argon?

Yes, chlorine is more reactive with oxygen than argon. Chlorine is a highly reactive element and readily forms compounds with oxygen, whereas argon is a noble gas and is chemically inert, meaning it does not readily react with other elements.

What is the color of argon?

Argon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It is classified as a noble gas and is part of the group of non-reactive gases on the periodic table.

What does argon taste of?

Argon is an inert, colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It does not have a flavor as it is chemically non-reactive.

What type of bond does argon gas have?

Argon gas is a noble gas and does not typically form bonds with other atoms. It exists as individual, non-reactive atoms.

Why chemists might sometimes store reactive chemicals in argon to which family does argon belong?

Chemists store reactive chemicals in argon because it is an inert gas that does not react with most substances, reducing the risk of a chemical reaction occurring. Argon belongs to the noble gas family.