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A melting point is a physical property.

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3mo ago

A melting point is considered a physical property because it is a characteristic of a substance that can be observed without changing its chemical composition. It is the temperature at which a solid substance changes to a liquid state.

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Q: Is a melting point considered a physical or chemical property?
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Is melting point chemical property or physical?

Melting point is a physical property

Is a melting point a chemical property?

Yes, melting point is a physical property, not a chemical property. It is a characteristic of a substance that can help identify and differentiate it from other substances based on how it changes states from solid to liquid.

Is the melting point of table salt physical or chemical property?

The melting point is a physical property.

Is melting a chemical property?

No. Melting is a physical change.

Is melting chemical property?

No. Melting is a physical change.

Is something melting a chemical or physical property?

Physical property the physical state of the water is changed from ice to water not the chemical state i.e it is still h2o

Is melting of ice classified as a chemical or physical property?

physical property

Is melting a physical property or a chemical property?

Melting is a physical property.Any thing is a physical property if it can be reversed but a chemical property can't.For e.g If you melt ice it will become water but still you can freeze it and form ice again. * * * * * Not true. Many chemical reactions are reversible.

Is melting point a chemical property or a physical?

It is a physical property, so is boiling point.

Is melting sugar chemical property?

Melting is a physical change.

Why is melting wax a physical properties of flammability is a chemical property?

Melting is a physical property because the chemical composition remain unchanged.Flammability is a chemical property because involve a combustion reaction.

Is melting something physical or chemical property?
