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Yes, a crystal of sulfur is considered pure if it consists only of sulfur atoms without any impurities present. However, sulfur crystals in nature often contain impurities that can affect their color and properties.

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Q: Is a crystal of sulfur pure?
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Whats in pure sulfur pure sulfur?

Sulfur is in pure sulfur & nothing else, otherwise it wouldn't be pure would it?

What makes up sulfur?

Sulfur is an element found in nature that occurs both in pure form and in many compounds. It consists of sulfur atoms arranged in molecules or crystal structures. Common sulfur compounds include hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid, and sulfates.

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What is the Green Crystal element Called?

This element is Sulfur.

Is sulfur a pure compound?

It is a pure element, though if you are talking about sulfur in its natural form (S8), then yes it is a pure compound.

Is sulfur a crystal?

Sulfur can be found in a crystalline form as sulfur crystals. These crystals are typically yellow in color and may exhibit a variety of shapes and sizes depending on how they are formed.

Where can you get a sulfur crystal on HorseIsle 2? can get a sulfur crystal in any general store or any rock shop

What does sulfur look like if you observe it in its natural pure state?

Pure sulfur has a beautiful yellow color.

Is a sulfur candle pure sulfur?

No, a sulfur candle is not made of pure sulfur. It usually contains a mixture of sulfur and other chemicals that allow it to produce sulfur dioxide gas when burned. The sulfur dioxide gas is used for fumigation purposes.

Is sulfur dioxide a mixture?

No. Sulfur dioxide is a compound, which makes it a pure substance, not a mixture.

Is sulfur found pure or an ore?

Sulfur is found in nature both as a pure element and in various sulfide minerals. It can be found in the pure form such as volcanic deposits or as a component of minerals like pyrite, galena, and cinnabar.

What are 5 elements that are a solid in nature?

Gold and silver are commonly found as nearly pure metals (solids) in nature. Sulfur - while often found in compounds in nature is also often mined as a solid (usually by first melting it and pumping the liquid to the surface). Pure solid sulfur is the infamous "brimstone" of the Bible. Pure solid carbon is also found in nature - as graphite and diamonds. Arsenic occurs in many minerals, usually in combination with sulfur and metals, but also as a pure elemental crystal.