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No, paraffin is not an element. To be an element, a substance must have all the same type of atom. Once it has this, it can go on the Periodic Table. So, as paraffin has many different types of atom in it, it's not an element.

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3mo ago

No, paraffin is not an element. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons that are derived from petroleum and used in various applications such as candles, cosmetics, and lubricants.

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Q: Is Paraffin a element
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How is paraffin different to carbon?

Paraffin is a type of hydrocarbon compound composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms, while carbon is one of the chemical elements on the periodic table. Paraffin is a complex mixture of alkanes, while carbon is a pure element that can exist in various forms, such as graphite and diamond.

Why paraffin is nonpolar?

Paraffin has covalent bonds.

How do you put PARAFFIN in a sentence?

We used paraffin wax to seal the wood before painting it.

What name is given to the process of 'breaking down the paraffin'?

The process of breaking down paraffin is called paraffin degradation. It involves breaking down the paraffin molecules into smaller components through chemical or biological means.

How do you separate paraffin from water?

Paraffin and water can be separated using the process of distillation. Heat the mixture to evaporate the paraffin, then collect and condense the paraffin vapor to obtain it in liquid form. The remaining water can be collected separately after the paraffin has been removed.

What is paraffin molar mass?

Paraffin is a mixture, not a chemical compound.

What fuel does paraffin lamp use?

The fuel used is paraffin

Is paraffin an acid?

No, paraffin is not an acid. Paraffin is a type of hydrocarbon that is often used in wax products, but it does not have acidic properties.

Is paraffin a electrolytes?

No, paraffin is not an electrolyte. Paraffin is a type of wax made from saturated hydrocarbons and does not conduct electricity like electrolytes do.

What is the Difference between paraffin oil and paraffin liquid?

Paraffin wax is a white or colorless soft solid that is used as a lubricant, when this is melted down it becomes a paraffin liquid. Paraffin oil is used in cosmetics and medical settings and is a highly refined mineral oil.

What is the percentage of paraffin in paraffin wax?

Paraffin wax is typically made up of 75-90% paraffin, which is a mix of saturated hydrocarbons. The remaining percentage consists of other types of hydrocarbons, such as olefins and naphthenes.

Is paraffin soluble in alcohol?

Yes, paraffin is soluble in alcohol. I have personally dissolved paraffin in alcohol. But I can tell you that it dissolves very slowly unless the alcohol is heated. If you use the right proportions of paraffin and alcohol, what you get is a paraffin paste. You can use this to wax furniture, etc.