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3mo ago

Yes, HF and F- are a conjugate acid-base pair. HF is the acid, and when it donates a proton, it forms the conjugate base, F-. Conversely, F- can accept a proton to form HF, making them a conjugate pair.

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Q: Is HF and H a conjugate acid base pair?
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What is the name of the conjugate base found in HF?

The conjugate base of HF is the fluoride ion F-

What is the conjugate base of hydrofluoric acid?

The conjugate base of hydrofluoric acid is fluoride ion (F^-). This is formed when hydrofluoric acid (HF) donates a proton (H^+) in a reaction.

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The conjugate acid of F- is HF (hydrofluoric acid). When F- gains a proton, it transforms into HF.

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No, HF and KF do not form a buffer solution because a buffer contains a weak acid and its conjugate base (or a weak base and its conjugate acid). HF and KF are both strong acids, so they cannot act as a buffer system.

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F- is the conjugate base of hydrofluoric acid (HF), so it can be considered a base.

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The conjugate acid of NaF is HF (hydrofluoric acid). When NaF accepts a proton, it forms HF.

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The conjugate acid of O2- is H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). When O2- gains a proton, it forms H2O2.

What is the conjugate base for hf?

The fluoride ion, F-.

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HF is a weak acid.

Which are conjugate acid-base pairs H2O and hf H2O and oh- hoci and oci- hi and you- koh and naoh?

Conjugate acid-base pairs are related by the transfer of a proton. The pairs are: H2O and OH- HOCl and OCl- HCl and H2O KOH and NaOH

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No, hydrofluoric acid and sodium fluoride cannot function as a buffer together. A buffer system requires a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid to help maintain a stable pH. Hydrofluoric acid is a strong acid and sodium fluoride is a salt formed from a strong base and a weak acid, making them incompatible for use as a buffer system.

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HCl is a strong acid, while NaOH, HF, and NH3 are not strong acids. NaOH is a strong base, HF is a weak acid, and NH3 is a weak base.