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I got this as a question in chemistry so I assumed it was able to form a precipitation reaction.

It is impossible to balance unless you first get the net ionic equation, I then balanced the net ionic equation, I think this is the correct way to do it and I haven't see anyone post anywhere that says otherwise.

FeCl2 (aq)+KOH (aq)--->Fe(OH) (s) +KCl (aq)

This cant be balanced so if you break it down you have

Fe(^2+) + Cl2(^1-) (aq)+K(^1+) + OH(^1-) (aq)--->Fe(OH) (s) +K(^1+) + Cl(^1-) (aq)

You can then cancel out the K+ on both sides and you have


THEN slap a two on the CL on the right side and you have a balanced net ionic equation. This is the only way I found it to work out. I hope this helps and I am 99% sure its correct.

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12y ago
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12y ago

It is a precipitation reaction because you have a solid forming.

I got this as a question in chemistry.

It is impossible to balance unless you first get the net ionic equation, I then balanced the net ionic equation, I think this is the correct way to do it and I haven't see anyone post anywhere that says otherwise.

FeCl2 (aq)+KOH (aq)--->Fe(OH) (s) +KCl (aq)

This cant be balanced so if you break it down you have

Fe(^2+) + Cl2(^1-) (aq)+K(^1+) + OH(^1-) (aq)--->Fe(OH) (s) +K(^1+) + Cl(^1-) (aq)

You can then cancel out the K+ on both sides and you have


THEN slap a two on the CL on the right side and you have a balanced net ionic equation. This is the only way I found it to work out. I hope this helps and I am 99% sure its correct.

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8y ago

There's no such neutral compound as FeCl, as this would imply a +1 charge for the iron ion, which does not exist. However, iron(II) chloride (FeCl2) and iron(III) chloride (FeCl3) are very common in chemistry. Neither of them, however, are precipitates, as chlorides of iron are easily water soluble.

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14y ago

Generally not. KOH is water soluble.

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