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CaCl2 is an ionic compound, not a molecular compound. Ionic compounds are made up of ions (charged particles) that are held together by electrostatic forces, while molecular compounds are formed by sharing electrons between atoms. In CaCl2, calcium (Ca) loses two electrons to become Ca2+ ions, and chlorine (Cl) gains one electron to become Cl- ions, resulting in an ionic bond between them.

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Q: Is CaCl2 a molecular compound
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What formulas represents an ionic compound. CO2 CaCl2 H2O Br2?

CaCl2 represents an ionic compound because it consists of a metal (Ca) and a non-metal (Cl) bonded together through ionic bonds. CO2, H2O, and Br2 are molecular compounds because they consist of non-metals bonded together through covalent bonds.

Is Cacl2 a molecular formula or formula unit?

CaCl2 is a formula unit because it represents the simplest ratio of ions in a compound made up of a metal cation (Ca2+) and a nonmetal anion (Cl-). Formula units are used for ionic compounds, while molecular formulas are used for covalent compounds.

What is the molecular geometry of CaCl2?

Calcium Chloride 12

The formula for a compound of calcium and chlorine is?

The compound formed between calcium and chlorine is calcium chloride, with the chemical formula CaCl2.

Is CaCl2 an element compound or mixture?

Calcium chloride is a compound.

Consider the compound CaCl2 What type of compound does it represent?

CaCl2 represents an ionic compound, as it is composed of a metal (calcium) and non-metal (chlorine) that are bonded together through ionic bonds.

Is CaCl2 a single displacement reaction?

No, CaCl2 is not a single displacement reaction. CaCl2 is the chemical formula for calcium chloride, which is a compound composed of calcium and chloride ions. Single displacement reactions involve one element displacing another in a compound.

What compound does CaCl2 make?

Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is a compound that forms by combining one calcium ion (Ca2+) with two chloride ions (Cl-).

What is the compound for the formula CaCl2?

The compound for the formula CaCl2 is called calcium chloride. It is an inorganic compound composed of calcium and chlorine ions in a 1:2 ratio.

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What is the chemical for CaCl2?

This compound is calcium chloride.

Is aspirin a molecular compound?

Yes. Aspirin is a molecular compound.