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Things that can indicate a chemical change has occurred include

  • Change in color
  • Release or absorption of energy (light, heat, etc.)
  • Formation of gas
  • Formation of precipitation

In chemical changes, the composition of the substance changes, and it is often difficult to reverse the process.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Some indicators of a chemical reaction are:

- change of color
- change of odor
- release of a gas
- change of the temperature
- change of the viscosity
- formation of a precipitate
- change of general appearance
- possible explosion
- possible chemiluminescence -formation of new compounds

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8y ago

Some indicators of a chemical reaction are:

- change of color
- change of odor
- release of a gas
- change of the temperature
- change of the viscosity
- formation of a precipitate
- change of general appearance
- possible explosion
- possible chemiluminescence -formation of new compounds
- formation of new compounds

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14y ago

Gas formation, solid formation, energy release, and/or a color change.

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12y ago

Heat, formation of a gas, formation of a solid, color

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12y ago

color change

heat or light

the change is difficult to reverse

precipitate or gas forms

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13y ago

temperature change, formation of a solid from two aqueous solutions, gas formation, color change

Not all reactions will have all of these indicators.

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Q: What are indicators of a chemical change?
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Why do you need indicators of chemical change?

Indicators of chemical change are needed to detect when a chemical reaction has occurred. They can provide visual cues, such as color changes or gas production, that indicate a chemical transformation has taken place. These indicators help scientists and chemists monitor and understand the progress of reactions.

Can indicators change colour twice?


Are the clues that indicate a chemical change always reliable?

While clues like color change, gas production, and temperature change are common indicators of a chemical change, they are not always reliable on their own. It is important to consider these clues in the context of the specific reaction taking place and to look for multiple signs to confirm a chemical change has occurred. Testing with chemical indicators or analyzing the reaction using scientific techniques is often necessary for a more definitive answer.

Is milk sours a example of physical change?

No, milk souring is an example of a chemical change. When milk sours, bacteria ferment the lactose in the milk, producing lactic acid, which changes the composition and properties of the milk. This is a chemical reaction, not a physical change.

Why does this indicate that a chemical reaction might have occurred?

Some indicators of a chemical reaction are: - change of color - change of odor - release of a gas - change of the temperature - change of the viscosity - formation of a precipitate - change of general appearance - possible explosion - possible chemiluminiscence

Related questions

Why do you need indicators of chemical change?

Indicators of chemical change are needed to detect when a chemical reaction has occurred. They can provide visual cues, such as color changes or gas production, that indicate a chemical transformation has taken place. These indicators help scientists and chemists monitor and understand the progress of reactions.

What are indicators of a chemical change when 2 substances are mixed together?

Indicators of a chemical change when two substances are mixed together include: formation of a precipitate (solid), evolution of gas (bubbles), change in temperature, color change, and formation of a new substance with different properties.

When something is blue is that a physical or chemical change?

indicators of a chemical reacton include color change, heat given off, and gas produced. indicators of a physical change are phase changes, changes in shape, and changes in size. "Being blue" is not a change at all. It's a condition.

How can you identify that a change is chemical?

A change is chemical if the substance's chemical composition is altered, resulting in the formation of new substances with different properties. Look for indicators such as color change, gas production, temperature change, or formation of a precipitate to help identify a chemical change.

Can indicators change colour twice?


What are chemical indicators?

Chemical indicators are substances that change color in response to a chemical change. They are often used to visually indicate the presence of a specific substance or the completion of a chemical reaction. They are commonly used in laboratory experiments to monitor chemical reactions or to determine the endpoint of a titration.

What can you talk about as a chemical reaction?

Some indicators of a chemical reaction are: - change of color - change of odor - release of a gas - change of the temperature - change of the viscosity - formation of a precipitate - change of general appearance - possible explosion - possible chemiluminiscence

Are indicators acidic or basic in nature?

Indicators can be both acidic and basic in nature, depending on their color change properties in response to different pH levels. Some indicators change color in acidic solutions, while others change color in basic solutions.

What are the 7 indicators of a chemical change?

The seven indicators of a chemical change are color change, formation of a gas (fizzing or bubbling), formation of a precipitate (solid forming from a liquid mixture), temperature change (heat or cold produced), change in odor, change in texture or consistency, and release of light.

Are the clues that indicate a chemical change always reliable?

While clues like color change, gas production, and temperature change are common indicators of a chemical change, they are not always reliable on their own. It is important to consider these clues in the context of the specific reaction taking place and to look for multiple signs to confirm a chemical change has occurred. Testing with chemical indicators or analyzing the reaction using scientific techniques is often necessary for a more definitive answer.

Which of the following is a definite indicator that a chemical change has occured?

Definite indicators of a chemical reaction include exothermic reactions (heat), colour change, bubbles and there might be a few morea new substance forms (study island)

What always occurs during a chemical change?

Some indicators of a chemical reaction are: - change of color - change of odor - release of a gas - change of the temperature - change of the viscosity - formation of a precipitate - change of general appearance - possible explosion - possible chemiluminiscence