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Metabolism is the process through which released chemicals can be used to generate energy for cells. These chemicals are broken down through various metabolic pathways to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. Growth and other cellular processes are supported by the energy generated through metabolism.

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Q: In which process can the released chemicals be used to generate energy or to support growth?
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What is the use of oxygen in the rockets?

Oxygen is used in rockets as an oxidizer to facilitate the combustion of fuel. It helps to support the chemical reaction that generates thrust by combining with the fuel to release energy. This process allows rockets to generate the necessary propulsion for launch and space travel.

What are the branches of science that deals with chemicals?

Chemistry is the main branch of science that deals with chemicals. Some related branches include biochemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. Each of these branches focuses on different aspects of chemicals and their interactions.

Why do you think plants and animals carry out cellular respiration?

Plants and animals carry out cellular respiration to generate energy in the form of ATP by breaking down glucose in the presence of oxygen. This process is essential for providing the necessary energy to support various cellular activities, growth, and maintenance of living organisms.

What evidence led Ramsay to report that the mysterious gas was inert?

Ramsay determined that the mysterious gas was inert after testing its reactivity with various chemicals and observing that it did not undergo any reactions. Additionally, he found that the gas did not support combustion or react with oxygen, further supporting his conclusion that it was chemically unreactive.

A scientist has analyzed the chemicals that make of sample of an unknown substance Which chemicals would be the best indicator that the unknown substance is a plant?

Cellulose and starch

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Release of foreign chemicals the body does not need?

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Enterprise applications are designed to support organization-wide process coordination and integration

How can a chloroplast generate enough ATP to support the needs of the calvin cycle?

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