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carbon dioxide

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In the global carbon cycle, carbon flows from consumers to producers in the form of organic compounds, such as glucose, through processes like photosynthesis. Consumers obtain carbon by consuming organic matter produced by producers, and this carbon is then released back into the environment through processes like respiration and decomposition.

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Q: In the global carbon cycle carbon flows from consumers to producers in the form of?
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Do Diatoms produce oxygen?

Yes, diatoms produce oxygen through photosynthesis. They are important producers of oxygen in marine environments and play a significant role in the global carbon cycle.

How might the death of all producers in a community affect the carbon an oxygen cycles?

The death of all producers in a community would disrupt the carbon and oxygen cycles. Producers, such as plants, play a vital role in both cycles by taking in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and releasing oxygen. Without producers, there would be a decrease in oxygen production and an imbalance in the carbon cycle, leading to potential environmental consequences.

The combustion of coal oil and gas is part of what cycle?

The combustion of coal, oil, and gas is part of the carbon cycle. This cycle involves the movement of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, soil, and living organisms. Burning these fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change.

What is the role of combustion in the carbon cycle?

Combustion releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when organic matter is burned. This disrupts the balance of carbon in the carbon cycle by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change.

Which biochemical cycle has been disrupted leading to global warming?

The carbon cycle has been disrupted due to increased emissions of carbon dioxide from human activities such as burning fossil fuels. This excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing heat to be trapped, leading to global warming and climate change.

Related questions

Are animals are considered to be producers in the carbon cycle?

No. Animals are consumers. Plants are producers.

Why is the carbon cycle affecting climate change around the world?

because the carbon cycle has affected the ecosystem and makes producers get eaten by consumers

What role do producers and consumers play in the carbon cycle?

Producers (like plants) play a crucial role in the carbon cycle by absorbing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and converting it into organic compounds. Consumers, both animals and humans, then consume these organic compounds and release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere through respiration, completing the carbon cycle.

What are the roles of producers consumers decomposes in an ecosystem?

They are all required to drive the carbon/energy cycle.

What are roles producers consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem?

They are all required to drive the carbon/energy cycle.

What are the roles of producers consumers and decomposers in ecosystem?

They are all required to drive the carbon/energy cycle.

What are the roles producers consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem?

They are all required to drive the carbon/energy cycle.

What are the roles of producers consumers decomposers in ecosystem?

They are all required to drive the carbon/energy cycle.

What roles do producers play in carbon cycle?

producers take in carbon dioxide from photosynthesis and so they create the system because consumers eat the producers they get carbon and so on so forth.we eventually release that carbon into the air as carbon dioxide.

How does the carbon cycle flow to producers to consumers?

In the carbon cycle, producers like plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis to produce energy. Consumers, such as animals, then ingest these plants to obtain carbon-containing molecules. When consumers breathe out or excrete waste, they release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, completing the flow of carbon from producers to consumers.

Where do producers get carbon in the carbon cycle?

its from C02

The exchange of gases between producers and consumers is called a carbon dioxide and oxygen what?

The exchange of gases between producers (plants) and consumers (animals) is called respiration. During respiration, animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, while plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis.