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4mo ago

Yes, when combining two independent clauses with a conjunction like "because" in a compound sentence, you typically use a comma before the conjunction.

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Q: In a compound sentence do you put a comma before the word because?
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Is the comma before a but in a sentence or behind it?

The "comma"is before the word"but"because if you had a sentence that your teacher wants you to write,that sentence would be called a"compound sentence".A compound sentence is a sentence that have the words"but"and"and".(example.I want that dog ,but I changed my mind.)

Why use comma before and?

A comma is used before "and" if it is a compound sentence. You can check to see if it is compound sentence by covering up the "and" and seeing if both parts of the sentence make sence by themselves. No comma is needed if the sentence is not compound. For Example: Bob ran, and he walked. (comma b/c it's compound) Bob ran and walked. (no comma b/c it's not compound) Hope this helps!

When do you use a comma in a compound sentence?

A comma is used before a coordinating conjunction (such as "and," "but," "or") that connects two independent clauses in a compound sentence. For example: "I like coffee, but she prefers tea."

Do you place a comma?

Yes, a comma is typically placed before a conjunction in a compound sentence or to separate items in a list.

Do you put a comma before or after because in a sentence?

A comma typically comes before "because" when it is used to introduce a dependent clause in a sentence.

Should comma be before but or after?

In general, when "but" is used as a conjunction, a comma is not needed before it. However, if the phrase following "but" is an independent clause, then a comma is typically placed before "but."

Do you put a comma after the word 'and' in a compound sentence?

Yes, in most cases, you should use a comma before the conjunction "and" in a compound sentence to separate the two independent clauses. This helps clarify the different elements of the sentence for the reader.

Is there a comma after but?

no. if but before is a sentence on its on and after but is a sentence on its own then put a comma before but.

Does a compound sentence need a comma?


In which o the following situations is it not appropriate to use a comma?

It is not appropriate to use a comma before a coordinating conjunction if the sentence does not contain two independent clauses. For example, "I enjoy coffee but not tea" does not require a comma before "but" because it is a simple sentence, not two independent clauses.

Does a comma go before the word because?

A comma is generally not needed before "because" in a sentence. However, if "because" is introducing a dependent clause, a comma can be used after it to separate it from the main clause.

Is there a comma before the word because?

A comma is not required before the word "because" when it is used in the middle of a sentence for a standard causal relationship. However, if "because" is used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce the reason, a comma is usually used after it.