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pH 1.875

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If there are more hydroxide particles than hydrogen particles, the solution is basic with a pH above 7. The exact pH value would depend on the concentration of the hydroxide particles present in the solution.

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Q: If there are more hydroxide particles than hydrogen particles what might the pH be?
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If there are more hydrogen particles in the mixture than hydroxide particles what will the pH be?

The pH is under 7.

A chemical reaction occurs between sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride Adding more sodium hydroxide to the reaction causes it to speed up If you add more of a reactant such as sodium hydroxide?

Adding more sodium hydroxide will increase the concentration of the reactant in the reaction, leading to more successful collisions between particles and thus speeding up the reaction. This happens because there are more particles available to react with hydrogen chloride, resulting in a higher reaction rate.

Are there are more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions?

If the solution is basic, there are more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions. In an acidic solution, there are more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. The balance between these ions determines the pH of a solution.

Are hydrogen ions more acidic than hydroxide ions?

Yes, hydrogen ions are more acidic than hydroxide ions. Hydrogen ions contribute to acidity by releasing protons in solution, while hydroxide ions are actually the base component that reacts with hydrogen ions to neutralize them.

What contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions a base or an acid?

An acid contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. Acids release hydrogen ions (H+) in water, while bases release hydroxide ions (OH-).

Who has more hydrogen atoms hydroxide or acetate?

Hydroxide is OH. Acetate is C2H3O2. So Acetate has three while Hydroxide has one.

What is a solution that contains more hydroxide than hydrogen?

A solution with more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions is basic in nature. It has a pH above 7, indicating it is alkaline. Examples include solutions of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.

What solution contains more hydroxide ions than it does hydrogen ions?

A solution with a pH greater than 7 will contain more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions. These solutions are considered basic or alkaline. Examples include solutions of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Which gas is given out when sodium hydroxide reacts with a metal?

Hydrogen gas is given off when sodium hydroxide reacts with a metal. This is due to the displacement reaction that occurs where the more reactive metal displaces hydrogen from water molecules in the sodium hydroxide solution.

Will a substance - with a pH of 10 - have more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions?

No, a substance with a pH of 10 will have more hydroxide ions (OH-) than hydrogen ions (H+). pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, and a pH of 10 indicates a basic solution where the concentration of hydroxide ions is higher than hydrogen ions.

What general name is given to solution that have many more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions?

Acidic solutions have many more hydrogen ions (H+) than hydroxide ions (OH-).

A substance that forms hydroxide ions?

A substance that forms hydroxide ions when dissolved in water is called a base. Bases are compounds that release hydroxide ions (OH-) in solution and can neutralize acids. Examples of bases include sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).