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Depends on what the last reaction is. And probably what the first reaction was too. Insufficient information in the question.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

If the first reaction used 0.5 g of copper and there were no losses, then the last reaction should also produce 0.5 grams of copper, assuming all the copper used is converted into product.

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Q: If the first reaction used 0.5 g of copper then how many grams of copper will be produced in the last reaction?
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What is the total mass of h2o produced when 32 grams of Cu is completely consumed?

To calculate the mass of water produced when 32 grams of copper is consumed, we need to use the stoichiometry of the reaction. Given the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of copper with water, we can determine the moles of copper reacting and then use the mole ratio to find the moles of water produced. Finally, using the molar mass of water, we can calculate the mass of water produced.

If 34.5 g of copper reacts with 70.2g of silver nitrate according to the following reaction what is the maximum number of grams of silver that can be produced answer?

To find the maximum number of grams of silver that can be produced, first calculate the moles of copper and silver nitrate using their respective molar masses. Then, determine the limiting reactant using the stoichiometry of the reaction. Finally, calculate the maximum number of grams of silver that can be produced by multiplying the moles of silver obtained from the limiting reactant by the molar mass of silver.

How many grams of NaCL are produced when 80.0 grams of O2 are produced?

It depends on the chemical reaction that is occurring. Can you provide the balanced equation for the reaction so we can calculate the amount of NaCl produced?

Copper will react with silver nitrate to form copper nitrate and silver From this reaction 127.1 grams of copper will produce how many grams of silver?

The balanced equation for the reaction is: Cu + 2AgNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag Calculate the molar mass of Cu and Ag (Cu = 63.55 g/mol, Ag = 107.87 g/mol). Using the molar ratio of Cu to Ag (1:2), convert the mass of Cu to moles, then use the molar ratio to find the moles of Ag produced. Finally, convert moles of Ag to grams using the molar mass of Ag to find the grams of silver produced.

How many moles of water will be produced if 6.00 grams of propane react?

To determine the moles of water produced from the reaction of 6.00 grams of propane, first calculate the moles of propane using its molar mass. Then, use the balanced chemical equation to find the moles of water produced based on the stoichiometry of the reaction.

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From this reaction 127.1 grams of copper will produce how many grams of silver?

To calculate the amount of silver produced, first find the molar ratio between copper and silver in the balanced chemical equation. For example, if the reaction is 2Cu + AgNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag, the ratio is 2 moles of silver for every 2 moles of copper. Then, calculate the molar mass of silver (Ag) and use the molar ratio to determine the amount of silver produced from 127.1 grams of copper.

What is the total mass of h2o produced when 32 grams of Cu is completely consumed?

To calculate the mass of water produced when 32 grams of copper is consumed, we need to use the stoichiometry of the reaction. Given the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of copper with water, we can determine the moles of copper reacting and then use the mole ratio to find the moles of water produced. Finally, using the molar mass of water, we can calculate the mass of water produced.

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To find the maximum number of grams of silver that can be produced, first calculate the moles of copper and silver nitrate using their respective molar masses. Then, determine the limiting reactant using the stoichiometry of the reaction. Finally, calculate the maximum number of grams of silver that can be produced by multiplying the moles of silver obtained from the limiting reactant by the molar mass of silver.

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It depends on the chemical reaction that is occurring. Can you provide the balanced equation for the reaction so we can calculate the amount of NaCl produced?

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The balanced equation for the reaction is: Cu + 2AgNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag Calculate the molar mass of Cu and Ag (Cu = 63.55 g/mol, Ag = 107.87 g/mol). Using the molar ratio of Cu to Ag (1:2), convert the mass of Cu to moles, then use the molar ratio to find the moles of Ag produced. Finally, convert moles of Ag to grams using the molar mass of Ag to find the grams of silver produced.

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The amount of strontium chloride produced in a reaction would depend on the specific reaction involved and the stoichiometry of the reaction. To calculate the grams produced, you would need to know the balanced chemical equation, the amount of the starting materials used, and use stoichiometry to determine the amount of strontium chloride produced.

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To calculate the grams of hydrogen produced, you need to first balance the chemical equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and copper. Once balanced, calculate the moles of hydrochloric acid in 167.12 g, then use stoichiometry to determine the moles of hydrogen produced. Finally, convert the moles of hydrogen to grams using the molar mass of hydrogen (1 g/mol).

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To find the mass of water produced, we first need to determine the molar ratio of water to nitrous oxide in the reaction. Once we have the mole ratio, we can use it to calculate the moles of water produced from the moles of nitrous oxide. Finally, we can convert the moles of water to grams using the molar mass of water.

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To calculate the grams of dichloromethane produced, we first need to convert the mass of methane from kilograms to grams, which is 1,540 grams. Given a yield of 48.2%, we can multiply this by the yield percentage to find the actual amount of dichloromethane produced: 1,540 grams of methane x 0.482 = 742.28 grams of dichloromethane.