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Ideally you want an indicator which undergoes its transition somewhere in the range where the pH is changing the fastest; that is, in the most nearly vertical part of the graph of pH vs. volume of titrant added.

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An ideal indicator for an acid-base titration would have a color change that corresponds closely to the pH range at the equivalence point of the titration. It should change color sharply within a narrow pH range to accurately indicate when the reaction is nearing completion. Common indicators include phenolphthalein for strong acid-strong base titrations and methyl orange for strong acid-weak base titrations.

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Q: How would you select an indicator for an acid-base titration?
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Why is important that the indicator is present in the solution during the course of titration?

The indicator is important during titration because it allows us to visually detect when the reaction reaches its endpoint, which is when stoichiometric equivalence is achieved between the analyte and titrant. This helps determine the concentration of the analyte accurately. Without an indicator, it would be challenging to know when the titration is complete.

What equipment is used in titration at school?

In a school laboratory titration, you would typically use a burette to deliver the titrant, a pipette to measure the volume of the analyte, an Erlenmeyer flask to hold the analyte, a magnetic stirrer for mixing, and an indicator to show the endpoint of the titration.

What is the equation of titration with methyl orange?

The equation of the titration using methyl orange as an indicator depends on the specific reaction being titrated. Methyl orange is typically used in acid-base titrations, where the indicator changes color in the presence of a certain pH range. For example, in a titration of a strong acid (e.g., HCl) with a strong base (e.g., NaOH), the equation would involve the stoichiometry of the acid-base reaction, with the color change of methyl orange indicating the endpoint of the titration.

Which indicator would you use in the titration sulphuric acid with naoh?

In the titration of sulfuric acid with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), a pH indicator suitable for a strong acid-strong base titration, such as phenolphthalein, can be used. Phenolphthalein changes color at around pH 8.2-10, which is suitable for detecting the endpoint of the neutralization reaction between sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide.

What is a titration and what equipment would you need?

A titration is a technique used to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration. Equipment needed for a titration typically includes a burette, pipette, flask, indicator, and a stir plate.

Related questions

Why is important that the indicator is present in the solution during the course of titration?

The indicator is important during titration because it allows us to visually detect when the reaction reaches its endpoint, which is when stoichiometric equivalence is achieved between the analyte and titrant. This helps determine the concentration of the analyte accurately. Without an indicator, it would be challenging to know when the titration is complete.

What equipment is used in titration at school?

In a school laboratory titration, you would typically use a burette to deliver the titrant, a pipette to measure the volume of the analyte, an Erlenmeyer flask to hold the analyte, a magnetic stirrer for mixing, and an indicator to show the endpoint of the titration.

If the equivalence point of a titration is 5 what range of pH should the indicator be?

An indicator should have a pKa close to the expected pH at the equivalence point. For a titration with an equivalence point at pH 5, an indicator with a pKa in the range of 4 to 6 would be suitable for visual detection of the endpoint.

What is the equation of titration with methyl orange?

The equation of the titration using methyl orange as an indicator depends on the specific reaction being titrated. Methyl orange is typically used in acid-base titrations, where the indicator changes color in the presence of a certain pH range. For example, in a titration of a strong acid (e.g., HCl) with a strong base (e.g., NaOH), the equation would involve the stoichiometry of the acid-base reaction, with the color change of methyl orange indicating the endpoint of the titration.

Which indicator would you use in the titration sulphuric acid with naoh?

In the titration of sulfuric acid with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), a pH indicator suitable for a strong acid-strong base titration, such as phenolphthalein, can be used. Phenolphthalein changes color at around pH 8.2-10, which is suitable for detecting the endpoint of the neutralization reaction between sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide.

What is a titration and what equipment would you need?

A titration is a technique used to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration. Equipment needed for a titration typically includes a burette, pipette, flask, indicator, and a stir plate.

How do you find concentration of an acid from a titration?

To find the concentration of an acid from a titration, you would use the stoichiometry of the reaction to determine the moles of acid that reacted with the known concentration of base. Then, you would use this information to calculate the concentration of the acid by dividing the moles of acid by the volume of the acid used in the titration.

What kind of indicators are used in precipitation titration?

Indicators used in precipitation titrations are typically complexometric indicators that form colored complexes with the analyte ions. These indicators change color when the endpoint of the titration is reached, signaling the completion of the precipitation reaction. Common complexometric indicators include EDTA, Eriochrome Black T, and Calconcarboxylic acid.

Discussion of titration?

Titration is a laboratory method used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration. During titration, an indicator may be used to signal the endpoint of the reaction, which is where the reaction is stoichiometrically complete. Titration is widely used in analytical chemistry for various applications, such as determining the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

What indicator in titration of sodium carbonate solution against hydrochloric acid would give a complete neutralization?

The indicator methyl orange can be used in the titration of sodium carbonate solution against hydrochloric acid to give a complete neutralization. At the endpoint, when all the carbonate ions have reacted to form bicarbonate ions, the solution will turn from yellow to pink.

Does The equivalence point and the end point of a titration occur at the same place in a titration?

The equivalence point and the end point of a titration do not always occur at the same place. The equivalence point is the point at which stoichiometrically equivalent amounts of reactants have been mixed, while the end point is when the indicator changes color. In ideal conditions, the end point would occur at the equivalence point, but this is not always the case due to factors like human error or issues with the indicator.

What indicator would you use if the end point for a titration occurred at pH 10.5?

A suitable indicator for an endpoint at pH 10.5 would be methyl orange. At this pH, methyl orange changes color from red to yellow, making it a good choice for acid-base titrations that end around pH 10.5.