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It will shine, but dimly.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

If the bulb lights up when copper sulfate and vinegar acetic acid are tested for conductivity, it indicates that both solutions are conductive. This means that they contain ions that can carry electrical current. Conductivity in these solutions is likely due to the presence of dissolved ions from the copper sulfate and acetic acid.

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Q: How would the bulb light if you tested copper sulfate and vinegar acetic acid for conductivity?
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How are the properties of copper acetate different from the properties of the properties of vinegar?

Copper acetate is a compound of copper and acetic acid, whereas vinegar is primarily acetic acid dissolved in water. Copper acetate is a solid with a blue-green color, while vinegar is a clear liquid. Copper acetate is often used in chemistry experiments and as a catalyst, whereas vinegar is commonly used in cooking and cleaning.

What is the conductivity of CuSO4?

The electrical conductivity of CuSO4 (copper sulfate) depends on its concentration. In general, copper sulfate solutions are good conductors of electricity due to the presence of charged ions (Cu2+ and SO4 2-) that can carry electrical current. The conductivity increases with higher concentrations of copper sulfate.

Why do vinegar and salt clean iron oxide from pennies?

Vinegar (acetic acid) helps dissolve the iron oxide (rust) on pennies due to its acidic properties. The salt acts as a mild abrasive, aiding in the removal of the rust when rubbed or scrubbed against the penny surface. Together, the vinegar and salt solution create a chemical reaction that breaks down the iron oxide and helps restore the pennies' shine.

Explain about Condutometric titration's of copper sulphate with sodium hydroxide?

Condutometric titration of copper sulfate with sodium hydroxide is a method used to determine the concentration of copper ions in a solution. By adding sodium hydroxide to a solution of copper sulfate, a white precipitate of copper hydroxide is formed. The end point of the titration is reached when all the copper ions have reacted with the sodium hydroxide, leading to a sudden increase in the solution's conductivity, which can be detected using a conductivity meter.

What solute is in copper sulfate solution?

The solute in a copper sulfate solution is copper sulfate (CuSO4).

Related questions

Why can vinegar clean a dirty penny?

Vinegar contains Acetic acid that reacts with the copper in the penny.

How are the properties of copper acetate different from the properties of the properties of vinegar?

Copper acetate is a compound of copper and acetic acid, whereas vinegar is primarily acetic acid dissolved in water. Copper acetate is a solid with a blue-green color, while vinegar is a clear liquid. Copper acetate is often used in chemistry experiments and as a catalyst, whereas vinegar is commonly used in cooking and cleaning.

How do you reverse the oxidation of copper?

ketchup - the vinegar ( acetic acid ) in ketchup changes the copper oxide to copper acetate which is soluable in water.

What is the conductivity of CuSO4?

The electrical conductivity of CuSO4 (copper sulfate) depends on its concentration. In general, copper sulfate solutions are good conductors of electricity due to the presence of charged ions (Cu2+ and SO4 2-) that can carry electrical current. The conductivity increases with higher concentrations of copper sulfate.

What happens when acetic acid is added in Copper sulfate and sodium carbonate solution?

Try it and find out. ROFL

What is the Formula for copper (I) sulfate?

Copper sulfate has CuSO4 as its formula. Copper sulfate is also written copper (II) sulfate.

What is the formula for copper(I) sulfate?

Copper sulfate has CuSO4 as its formula. Copper sulfate is also written copper (II) sulfate.

Why do vinegar and salt clean iron oxide from pennies?

Vinegar (acetic acid) helps dissolve the iron oxide (rust) on pennies due to its acidic properties. The salt acts as a mild abrasive, aiding in the removal of the rust when rubbed or scrubbed against the penny surface. Together, the vinegar and salt solution create a chemical reaction that breaks down the iron oxide and helps restore the pennies' shine.

Is copper sulfate a metal?

Copper sulfate is not a metal There are two compounds called Copper Sulfate, which are salts of the metal Copper. CuSO4 is Copper (II) Sulfate, once known as Cupric Sulfate. Cu2SO4 is Copper (I) Sulfate, once known as Cuprous Sulfate.

What does vinegar do to pennies if submerged for three days?

There is acid called ACETIC ACID it combines with the copper to form a copper acetate(the green coating on the pennies)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coiol huh

Explain about Condutometric titration's of copper sulphate with sodium hydroxide?

Condutometric titration of copper sulfate with sodium hydroxide is a method used to determine the concentration of copper ions in a solution. By adding sodium hydroxide to a solution of copper sulfate, a white precipitate of copper hydroxide is formed. The end point of the titration is reached when all the copper ions have reacted with the sodium hydroxide, leading to a sudden increase in the solution's conductivity, which can be detected using a conductivity meter.

What solute is in copper sulfate solution?

The solute in a copper sulfate solution is copper sulfate (CuSO4).