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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Gold is primarily formed in supernova explosions or from the collision of neutron stars. In these extreme events, heavy elements like gold are created through nuclear fusion processes. Over millions of years, this newly-formed gold is ejected into space where it eventually becomes part of planets, including Earth.

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Q: How was gold formed?
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How could gold be formed from other elements?

Gold can be formed through supernova nucleosynthesis, where the explosion of massive stars creates extreme conditions that allow for the fusion of lighter elements into heavier ones, such as gold. Another way gold can be formed is through neutron capture processes in environments like neutron star mergers, where neutrons bombard existing atomic nuclei, leading to the creation of heavy elements like gold.

When nitric acid is added to detect the presence of copper present in ornamental gold. what is the compound of copper formed. why does not gold change?

When nitric acid reacts with copper, copper nitrate is formed. The reaction does not affect the gold because gold is a noble metal and does not readily react with nitric acid. This property of gold is what makes it suitable for ornamental use in jewelry.

Does gold react with oxygen is the oxide that is formed an acid or a base?

Gold does not react directly with oxygen, however if you succeed in getting gold oxide indirectly, it decomposes at 205C. The oxide is neither acid nor base however gold ions are acidic (like protons are acidic)

What is the formula for the compound gold and hydroxide?

The formula for the compound formed between gold and hydroxide ions is Au(OH)3. This compound is known as gold(III) hydroxide.

Is there gold in lava?

Gold is not typically found in lava itself, as it is formed from the cooling and solidification of molten rock. However, sometimes gold can be transported by volcanoes in the form of volcanic deposits or hydrothermal fluids that can eventually crystallize into gold veins.

Related questions

How is gold naturally formed?

It's formed in supernova explosions.

How was barkerville originally formed?

formed when billy barker struck gold

Is gold an atom or a molecule?

Gold is a chemical element formed from atoms.

How is gold grown?

Gold is an element that is formed in the cores of stars; it is not organic and does not grow.

What gold did the mounted police of gold formed?

Your question makes no sense, at all.

How could gold be formed from other elements?

Gold can be formed through supernova nucleosynthesis, where the explosion of massive stars creates extreme conditions that allow for the fusion of lighter elements into heavier ones, such as gold. Another way gold can be formed is through neutron capture processes in environments like neutron star mergers, where neutrons bombard existing atomic nuclei, leading to the creation of heavy elements like gold.

Is gold a natural recourse?

Yes because it is formed in nature.

What is orogenic gold?

Orogenic gold is a type of gold deposit formed by mineral-rich fluids that are squeezed out of rocks during mountain-building processes (orogeny). These fluids can deposit gold along fault zones or within rock fractures, creating economically viable gold deposits. Orogenic gold deposits are commonly found in fissures within ancient mountain ranges.

What is the origin of gold?

Gold has always been present as a mineral in the rocks of earth. Gold was formed in small amounts by nuclear fusion in stars and was "distributed" across space by a super nova however due to its neutron rich construction, most gold was probably originally formed in neutron star explosions or collisions, itself relatively rare. This may explain gold's relative rarity. When earth formed, gold was included in the substance that accreted to make up this planet we're on.

Which territory was formed after the discovery of gold in Northwest Canada?

Yukon territory

When nitric acid is added to detect the presence of copper present in ornamental gold. what is the compound of copper formed. why does not gold change?

When nitric acid reacts with copper, copper nitrate is formed. The reaction does not affect the gold because gold is a noble metal and does not readily react with nitric acid. This property of gold is what makes it suitable for ornamental use in jewelry.

How long does it take to form gold?

gold is an element not formed or made it would take around a million years for it to grow