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Becquerel was convinced that his hypothesis was supported when he observed that photographic plates wrapped in opaque material were still fogged after being exposed to uranium salts. This suggested that an invisible form of radiation was being emitted from the uranium, supporting his hypothesis that certain materials could emit energy without external stimulation.

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You can design animated logo in Photoshop using Animations panel (Window > Animations). Animated design can be saved as .gif format. Search Help or other resources for more detailed information's.

What did Queen Esther eat on her fast?

Answer 1Esther was hoping that God would take pity on her plight to approach King Ahasueros without being summoned and cause him to raise his scepter to her. Otherwise, she would be going to her death.The text of the Book of Esther clarifies the situation:Esther 4:11,15-16 (NIV): 11 "All the king's officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king"...15 Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: 16 "Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish."Answer 2Well I think Queen Esther fasted because; when you fast you give up food for some days or hours you do it to show God you love Him an you Live on Him so when you fast intead of eating you read the Bible or worship or pray to God!Additional Facts:When Esther fasted, it was a three-day fast. She had all the Jews, in Babylon also fast, for the same three days & nights. Then, three days later, after the fast, she risked her life in going to Ahasuerus' throne, without permission, in order to create a plan to rid the Jews & Ahasuerus of Haman's evil plan. Especially when she had it prepared "just for Haman" and catch Haman was off-guard. Haman, atfirst was feeling like a "Special Guest", during the first day of the feast. During that feast, there were just Esther, Haman & King Ahasuerus. During the second day of the feast, Ahasuerus repeated his question to Esther, of why she dared to go to his throne, she told him she would answer the question, the next day. And when the three were alone, as Ahasuerus asked the question, Esther told Ahasuerus, that she was a Jewess & Haman's plot would kill her & all the Jews, in Babylon. Ahasuerus, after hearing this, was irate & quickly left the table & went outside the palace room, to cool his temper. [After he left Haman begged Esther to spare him & he was kneeling beside Esther.] When Ahasuerus returned, inside and seeing Haman plead for his life beside Esther, a eunuch told King Ahasuerus of the gallows, that Haman had constructed, Ahasuerus had Haman hanged on the gallows, that he wanted to hang Mordecai, just because Mordecai did not bow before him. Final Facts: Haman schemed to have all the Jews in Babylon to be killed. [When Mordecai told that Haman's eunuchs, that he was a Jew].PS: In Esther Chapter 2; Mordecai rescued Ahasuerus' life, overhearing two eunuchs & doorkeepers, Bigthan & Teresh's plot to kill King Ahasuerus & he told Esther, then Esther told Ahasuerus of their scheme. In Esther Chapter 6, Mordecai was rewarded with what Haman had planned & hoped for himself! How this occurred was that King Ahasuerus was reminded of Mordecai's good deed & Haman had just arrived to the palace, to make a request, to hang Mordecai, shortlly after the gallows, he had planned on killing Mordecai, for he could not wait & try to "exterminate" Mordecai. But before he could make his request, King Ahasuerus asked Haman's advice, for a reward. (When Haman answered King Ahasuerus' question, he was extremely high, on pride. After Haman gave his answer, King Ahasuerus quickly ordered Haman to lead Mordecai, down Shushan streets with what Haman hoped, was for him). A: To get one of Ahasuerus' horses. B: A well-designed Persian robe, of King Ahasuerus. C: Be led by a high-classed prince, or officer. D: The officer was to verbally proclaim "This is the way the king honors his faithful servants"=======================================So, in sum, what you have here in response to the question, is-- three lines saying "I don't know but I'll tell you what I think", followed by-- 35 more lines recounting the story as stream-of-consciousness.Amazing!

Info on baseball?

Baseball was founded in 1871 by Alexander Cartwright. In the early days, it was called "Rounders." Strikes were not called at the time, and gloves weren't used until the early 1900's. Perhaps the most famous baseball player ever was Babe Ruth, the first slugger, in the 30's and 40's of the 1900's. He hit 714 home runs, something that would last until Henry "Hank" Aaron broke the record on April 8th, 1974. He would later have a record of 755 until Barry Bonds, who hit 763 in his career.Anyways, as the years went by in baseball, many milestones have been broken. 6 great milestones to achieve are:500 Home Runs (hitting)3,000 hits (hitting).300 Batting Average (hitting)300 Wins (Pitching)3.00 ERA or under (pitching)20 years (Career)Perhaps the most famous milestone of the year 2011 was Derek Jeter's 3000th hit, in which he hit a home run. He would later get five hits in five at-bats in a New York Yankees win.The most successful franchise of all thirty are the New York Yankees. They are the only Major League Baseball team to have their own television channel (YES Network), the most World Series Championships (27), and the most money of all teams.The least successful team are arguably the Chicago Cubs. Only two World Championship wins, and one of the worst seasons in baseball, from 1966, where they had a 59 win-103 loss season. By July 21st, they are 39 wins-60 losses, and are fifth out of six in the NL Central.By 2011, the objectives of the game are:Rule 1.01 to 1.0411.00-Objectives of the Game.1.01 Baseball is a game between two teams of nine players each, under direction of amanager, played on an enclosed field in accordance with these rules, under jurisdiction ofone or more umpires.1.02 The objective of each team is to win by scoring more runs than the opponent.1.03 The winner of the game shall be that team which shall have scored, in accordancewith these rules, the greater number of runs at the conclusion of a regulation game.1.04 THE PLAYING FIELD. The field shall be laid out according to the instructionsbelow, supplemented by Diagrams No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 on adjoining pages.The infield shall be a 90-foot square. The outfield shall be the area between twofoul lines formed by extending two sides of the square, as in Diagram 1. The distance fromhome base to the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction on fair territory shall be 250 feetor more. A distance of 320 feet or more along the foul lines, and 400 feet or more to centerfield is preferable. The infield shall be graded so that the base lines and home plate arelevel. The pitcher's plate shall be 10 inches above the level of home plate. The degree ofslope from a point 6 inches in front of the pitcher's plate to a point 6 feet toward home plateshall be 1 inch to 1 foot, and such degree of slope shall be uniform. The infield and outfield,including the boundary lines, are fair territory and all other area is foul territory.It is desirable that the line from home base through the pitchers plate to second baseshall run East-Northeast.It is recommended that the distance from home base to the backstop, and from thebase lines to the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction on foul territory shall be 60 feet ormore. See Diagram 1.When location of home base is determined, with a steel tape measure 127 feet, 3⅜inches in desired direction to establish second base. From home base, measure 90 feettoward first base; from second base, measure 90 feet toward first base; the intersection ofthese lines establishes first base. From home base, measure 90 feet toward third base; fromsecond base, measure 90 feet toward third base; the intersection of these lines establishesthird base. The distance between first base and third base is 127 feet, 3⅜ inches. Allmeasurements from home base shall be taken from the point where the first and third baselines intersect.The catcher's box, the batters' boxes, the coaches' boxes, the three-foot first baselines and the next batter's boxes shall be laid out as shown in Diagrams 1 and 2.Rule 1.04 to 1.072The foul lines and all other playing lines indicated in the diagrams by solid blacklines shall be marked with paint or non-toxic and non-burning chalk or other white material.The grass lines and dimensions shown on the diagrams are those used in manyfields, but they are not mandatory and each club shall determine the size and shape of thegrassed and bare areas of its playing field.NOTE: (a) Any Playing Field constructed by a professional club after June 1,1958, shall provide a minimum distance of 325 feet from homebase to the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction on the right andleft field foul lines, and a minimum distance of 400 feet to thecenter field fence.(b) No existing playing field shall be remodeled after June 1, 1958, insuch manner as to reduce the distance from home base to the foulpoles and to the center field fence below the minimum specified inparagraph (a) above.1.05 Home base shall be marked by a five-sided slab of whitened rubber. It shall be a17-inch square with two of the corners removed so that one edge is 17 inches long, twoadjacent sides are 8½ inches and the remaining two sides are 12 inches and set at an angle tomake a point. It shall be set in the ground with the point at the intersection of the linesextending from home base to first base and to third base; with the 17-inch edge facing thepitcher's plate, and the two 12-inch edges coinciding with the first and third base lines. Thetop edges of home base shall be beveled and the base shall be fixed in the ground level withthe ground surface. (See drawing D in Diagram 2.)1.06 First, second and third bases shall be marked by white canvas or rubber-coveredbags, securely attached to the ground as indicated in Diagram 2. The first and third basebags shall be entirely within the infield. The second base bag shall be centered on secondbase. The bags shall be 15 inches square, not less than three nor more than five inchesthick, and filled with soft material.1.07 The pitcher's plate shall be a rectangular slab of whitened rubber, 24 inches by 6inches. It shall be set in the ground as shown in Diagrams 1 and 2, so that the distancebetween the pitcher's plate and home base (the rear point of home plate) shall be 60 feet, 6inches.3GRASS LINEBACKSTOP5' CIRCLE 5' CIRCLERADIUS FROMHOME BASE60'37' 37'60'6"1' MIN10' MAX1' MIN10' MAX13' 13'6'13'20'15'45'-0" 45'-0"6'90' 0"90' 0"FOUL LINEFOUL LINE95' RADIUSNEXT BATTER'S BOXNEXT BATTER'S BOXLEGENDBATTER'S BOX,CATCHER'S BOX, FOUL LINE,PITCHER'S PLATE, COACH'S BOXBASE LINES26' CIRCLE127-3 3/8"127-3 3/8"18' CIRCLENEXT BATTER'S BOXCOACH'SBOXCOACH'SBOXGRANDSTAND OR FENCE 60' FROM BASEOR FOUL LINE3'DIAGRAM NO. 1GRASS LINES3' 3'4LAYOUT ATSECOND BASELAYOUT ATTHIRD BASEFOUL LINEDIAGRAM NO. 2LEGEND1st, 2nd, 3rd BASESBATTER'S BOXCATCHER'S BOXHOME BASEPITCHER'S PLATEAA15"15"9090LAYOUT ATFIRST BASEFOUL LINEA9090B 6" 17" 6"DCB4'0"43"3'0"8'0"4'0"LAYOUT AT HOME BASELAYOUT AT PITCHER'S PLATESEE DIAGRAM NO. 3E81 "281 "23'0"ABCDE5