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Applying too much sample on a TLC plate can lead to overcrowding of the compounds, causing them to run close together or even overlap. This can result in poor separation and difficulty in distinguishing different compounds. It may also lead to band broadening and decreased resolution, affecting the accuracy of the analysis.

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Q: How too much sample applied affect the TLC separation?
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What is split ratio in gas chromato graphy?

The split ratio in gas chromatography refers to the ratio of the carrier gas that is split between the column and the detector. This ratio determines how much of the sample is directed into the column for separation and how much is directed to the detector for analysis. Adjusting the split ratio can affect the sensitivity, resolution, and detection limits of the analysis.

Why crystals disappear during suction filtration of a sample crystallized from benzene?

Crystals may disappear during suction filtration of a sample crystallized from benzene if the crystals dissolve in the solvent being used for filtration, or if they break up into smaller particles that pass through the filter. This can happen if the crystals are not fully dried or if too much force is applied during filtration.

Does sample size affect Density of a substance?

No, sample size does not directly affect the density of a substance. The density of a substance is an intrinsic property that remains constant regardless of the amount of substance present. However, a larger sample size may lead to more accurate measurements of density due to reduced errors in measurement.

How do you determine which fertilizer to use?

To determine which fertilizer to use, you should conduct a soil test to assess the nutrient levels in your soil. Based on the results, choose a fertilizer that will address any deficiencies and promote healthy plant growth. Consider factors like the desired plant type and growth stage, as well as environmental conditions.

How do you calculate how much water is released in a sample of copper sulfate?

To calculate how much water is released in a sample of copper sulfate, you need to determine the difference in mass before and after heating the sample. Heat the sample to drive off the water, then weigh the sample again. The difference in mass is the amount of water released from the copper sulfate.

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