Purple color can be produced by mixing blue and red pigments or dyes together. This combination of blue and red light wavelengths creates the perception of purple to our eyes. The exact shade of purple can vary depending on the specific ratios of blue and red used.
No, mixing black and yellow will not produce purple. Purple is typically created by mixing blue and red colors together.
Copper iodide can appear as purple in color under certain conditions.
The opposite of the colour purple on a colour wheel is yellow. To figure this out you need to understand the concept of primary and secondary colours. If the colour you have is a primary colour (one of red, yellow or blue) then the opposite colour is the secondary colour resultant from mixing the two remaining primary colours. If the colour you have is a secondary (purple, green or orange) then the opposite colour is the primary not involved in the making of the secondary colour.
Mixing purple with white will result in a lighter shade of purple, commonly known as lavender.
Blue and purple make a shade of indigo when combined.
It would produce a purple colour.
Purple. A purple fish has to be purple!
His favourite colour is purple.
No, mixing black and yellow will not produce purple. Purple is typically created by mixing blue and red colors together.
Yellow contrasts with purple and the colour opposite purple on the colour wheel is also yellow. Hope this helped :)
Copper iodide can appear as purple in color under certain conditions.
The colour would change to a purple, dark purple colour.
purple purple purple
Purple :)
Violet is another name for the secondary colour purple. Purple was at one time a difficult colour to make. Because of this clothing dyed purple was very expensive and reserved for royalty. Purple is also connected to spirituality. Some people see purple as a calming or soothing colour. In some spiritual paths the colour purple is associated with the goddess.