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the particle arrangements of a liquid is that the particles and atoms are a bit separated from each other. In a solid, they are closely packed together. In a gas they have no particular particle arrangement and are very far apart.

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Laurie Hammes

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Solids :-

They are all together (Packed and closed)

Liquid :-

They are a little free compared to solids!

Gas :-

They are very far apart from each other and less particles too!

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3mo ago

In solids, particles are tightly packed together in a fixed arrangement, with strong attractive forces between them. In liquids, particles are more loosely packed but still close together, allowing for movement and flow. In gases, particles are very far apart and move freely, with weak attractive forces between them.

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13y ago

In a solid, particles are very close together. They are always moving, but in a solid, they merely vibrate because space is so limited. The particles are tightly packed because there is a strong attraction between them.

In a liquid, particles are further apart but still interact with each other. These particles move more freely than solids, but not as freely as a gas.

In a gas, particles are the furthest apart. They still interact with each other, but interactions are very weak because particles are excited and are moving quickly. Particles can be imagined as whizzing past other particles at a high speed, barely acknowledging the other's presence.

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11y ago
  • Particles in a:
    • gas are well separated with no regular arrangement.
    • liquid are close together with no regular arrangement.
    • solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.
  • Particles in a:
    • gas vibrate and move freely at high speeds.
    • liquid vibrate, move about, and slide past each other.
    • solid vibrate (jiggle) but generally do not move from place to place

      See the related link for further information.

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13y ago

Solids - the particles are close together Liquids - In a non-uniform and non-static, close-packed manner.

Gases - they float around the space they are in

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14y ago

in a solid they are in neat rows and move around in a liquid they arent the close to eache other and have more spaces in them and in gases they move around and go so fast they vibrate

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12y ago

Particels in solids move back and forth very slowly. Liquids move a little faster than solids do, and particels in gasses are bouncing all over the place!

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11y ago


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Q: What are the differences between the arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases?
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What are the differences in the motions and arrangements particles in solids and liquids?

In solids, particles are tightly packed in a fixed arrangement and vibrate in place. In liquids, particles are close together but have the freedom to move past each other, leading to a more random arrangement. Liquids have more kinetic energy than solids, allowing particles to flow and take the shape of their container.

Name the theory that explains the major differences between these states of matter?

The Kinetic Molecular Theory explains the major differences between the states of matter. It states that the differences in physical properties among solids, liquids, and gases are due to the arrangement and movement of particles in each state.

What is the definition of a particle arrangement?

A particle arrangement refers to how individual particles are organized in a given space. This could include their position, orientation, and spacing relative to one another. Particle arrangements can vary widely depending on the type of particles and the conditions they are in.

What are the two main differences between a solid liquid and a gas?

The two main differences between a solid, liquid, and gas are their arrangement of particles: solids have particles closely packed in a fixed arrangement, liquids have particles that are close together but can move past each other, and gases have particles that are far apart and move freely. Additionally, solids have a definite shape and volume, liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of their container, and gases have neither a definite shape nor volume.

What are the main factors responsible for the differences in the three states of matter?

The main factors responsible for the differences in the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) are the relative movement of the particles, the arrangement of the particles, and the strength of the intermolecular forces between particles. In solids, particles are tightly packed and vibrate in fixed positions, while in liquids, particles are close together but can move past one another. In gases, particles are far apart and move freely. Interactions between particles are strongest in solids and weakest in gases.

The kinetic theory helps to explain the differences between?

The kinetic theory helps to explain the differences between solids, liquids, and gases by describing the movement and behavior of particles in each state. In solids, particles are tightly packed and vibrate in fixed positions. In liquids, particles are more spread out and can move around but are still close together. In gases, particles are far apart and move freely.

How are solids liquids and gases particles different?

Solids have particles closely packed together in a fixed arrangement, liquids have particles loosely packed but can move around each other, and gases have particles that are far apart and move freely.

Densely packed arrangement of particles that take the shape of their container?

The particles in a densely packed arrangement are in a solid state, where they have a fixed shape and volume. These particles are closely packed together and vibrate in fixed positions, but they do not flow and take the shape of their container like particles in a liquid or gas.

The definitions for the three states of matter?

Solid - particles are tightly packed, in a regular pattern Liquid - particles are close together, with no regular arrangement Gas - particles are extremely far apart, with no regular arrangement

Why can't liquids be heaped like solids?

Liquids flow and take the shape of their container because their particles are not fixed in place like in solids. The particles in a liquid have more freedom to move and slide past each other, making it difficult to heap them like solids. The lack of fixed arrangement and structure in liquids prevents them from maintaining a stable, heaped shape.

What is the common denominator in solids liquids and gases?

The common denominator in solids, liquids, and gases is that they are all forms of matter. They differ in their arrangement of particles and the extent to which those particles move. Solids have tightly packed particles with little movement, liquids have particles that are more spread out with some movement, and gases have particles that are very spread out and move freely.

Why does the state of matter depend on the motion of its particles?

The state of matter depends on the motion of its particles because the amount of kinetic energy the particles have determines how closely they are packed together and how fast they are moving. In solids, particles vibrate in fixed positions; in liquids, particles move more freely but are still close together; and in gases, particles move rapidly and have more space between them.